
Primary LanguageGo


A tool to convert Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNBs) to a single Cloud Foundry Buildpack (Shimmed buildpack)

A shimmed buildpack is a wrapper around a group of CNBs, allowing them to run on Cloud Foundry deployments.



  • Go 1.11+
$ git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cnb2cf
$ cd cnb2cf
$ ./scripts/build.sh

The binary (cnb2cf) can be found in the build dir.


There are two cases when using this tool:

  1. Create a shimmed buildpack .zip file from within a shimmed buildpacks root directory. This requires more specific setup, but allows you to cache the CNB dependencies in your shimmed buildpack, and to be run as a github url. This is only recommended if you are already shimming your buildpack to take care of specific edge cases.

    $ cnb2cf package -stack <stack> [-cached] [-version <version>] [-cachedir <path to cachedir>]
  2. Create a shimmed buildpack .zip file from a <config>.yml configuration file (described below). That buildpack can then be run alone, or integrated with other buildpacks (using multi buildpack). This is the recommmended path for most users.

    $ cnb2cf create -config <path to config file>.yml

Note there is some overlap between these two use cases.

The output of both commands is a buildpack .zip file in the current directory, with the name <language>_buildpack[-<cached>]-<stack>-<version>.zip. That zip file can be then uploaded to Cloud Foundry by running

cf create-buildpack my_buildpack python_buildpack-cflinuxfs3-1.0.0.zip 10


cnb2cf package -stack <stack> [-cached] [-version <version>] [-cachedir <path to cachedir>]

This command must be run in the directory of a shimmed buildpack repo. An example shimmed buildpack repo can be found here.

Shimmed Buildpack Repo Setup:

  • manifest.yml → A Cloud Foundry buildpack manifest with the dependencies needed to run as a shim:
    • lifecycle → The binary required to run the CNB lifecycle, per the Buildpack Spec
    • CNBs → The CNBs used in the group for this shimmed buildpack. Each of these (eg. the nodejs-cnb) require the following keys:
      • name → The CNB id found in its order.toml. Eg: org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.nodejs
      • version → The CNB version found in its order.toml. Eg: 0.0.8
      • uri → A remote uri path to the CNB tgz archive. Eg: https://buildpacks.cloudfoundry.org/dependencies/org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.nodejs/org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.nodejs-0.0.8-any-stack-b75d0983.tgz
      • sha256 → The sha256 of the tgz archive. Eg: b75d0983831fc10e55076d7c2a7aa52b0131964c48eaa8de5d19d30a3e2b1abb
      • cf_stacks: The stacks upon which it works. Eg: cflinuxfs3
      • source → The source code of the CNB. Eg: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-cnb/archive/v0.0.8.tar.gz
      • source_sha256 → The sha256 of the source archive. Eg: 6d1a5d98792acc2f07705abec5a63674577c5659aea7e3621dc20ea8d10456cd
    • pre_package script → This pre_package script will be used to build the binaries, in order to run the shim. Eg: scripts/build
  • order.toml → The groups and order definition for the CNBs, per the Buildpack Spec
  • bin directory → The set of Cloud Foundry Buildpack executables required to run CF lifecycle per CF docs
  • scripts/build.sh → The script, pointed to in the pre_package key of the manifest, which tells the buildpack lifecycle how to build the binaries. You can copy the script from nodejs-buildpack#v3


cnb2cf create -config <path to config file>.yml

Config File

The config is a .yml file which specifies the buildpacks, the order they will run in, and some additional metadata.

Config keys:

  • language → The language of the resulting CF Buildpack
  • stack → The CF stack the CNBs run on eg. cflinuxfs3
  • version → The version given to the resulting CF Buildpack
  • buildpacks → The CNBs to package together in the resulting CF Buildpack
    • name → The CNB id found in its order.toml
    • version → The CNB version found in its order.toml
    • uri → A remote uri path to the CNB tgz archive eg. S3
    • sha256 → The sha256 of the tgz archive
  • groups → This is analogous to the order.toml in the v3 buildpack spec sans the CNB version which is not required


groups defines how to run the CNBs, so all CNBs in groups must exist in the buildpacks section

Example <config>.yml

This example config creates a CF buildpack using the python and pip Cloud Native Buildpacks

language: python
stack: cflinuxfs3
version: 1.0.0
  - name: org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.python
    version: 0.0.4
    uri: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/python-cnb/releases/download/v0.0.4/python-cnb-0.0.4.tgz
    sha256: eeac90a03ab5f0fa0e287125b2b0744938340a2409ff3d5cdfcf77294282f474
  - name: org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.pip
    uri: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/pip-cnb/releases/download/v0.0.5/pip-cnb-0.0.5.tgz
    version: 0.0.5
    sha256: c6b5c7ec13d5e484fbc6e3ffcc760460eb2279a9ad768320bb7d95d7d33367ef
  - buildpacks:
      - id: "org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.python"
      - id: "org.cloudfoundry.buildpacks.pip"

Simple Workflow Example

A simple example workflow using the config file above named shim.yml:

$ cnb2cf create -config shim.yml
# the above produces python_buildpack-cflinuxfs3-1.0.0.zip

# then upload to Cloud Foundry using the cf cli
$ cf create-buildpack my_shimmed_buildpack python_buildpack-cflinuxfs3-1.0.0.zip 1

Debug Options

For additional output during detection phase set the CF environment variable LOG_LEVEL to debug, using cf set-env Additional LOG_LEVEL options are specified here