
Primary LanguagePython

Books API


This is an API that provide endpoints to add, delete, update or view book records.

User instructions

Here is a list of endpoints to:

  • get a book (GET)

    Expected output - HTTP 302 (Content found)

  • get a book record using its ID GET{id}.

    Expected output - HTTP 200 (OK) if the book record exists else a HTTP 404 (Page not Found) will be returned.

  • add a book record (POST)

    Expected output - HTTP 201 (Created) if the book record has been created successfully.

  • update a book record (PUT){id}.

    Expected output - HTTP 205 (Reset content) if the book record is updated else a HTTP 404 (Page not Found) will be returned.

  • delete a book record (DELETE){id}.

    Expected output - HTTP 204 (No content) if the book record is deleted else a HTTP 404 (Page not Found) will be returned.

Developer instructions

Installation instructions

  $ cd Desktop
  $ git clone https://github.com/morikeli/books-api.git
  $ python3 -m venv .books-venv
  $ source .books-venv/bin/activate
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Saving environment variables

  1. Generate a secret key using this command:
  $ python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))"
  1. Copy and paste the code printed on your terminal.
  2. Create a .env file in the project's base directory and paste the code in the .env file.

Once all packages are installed. You can access the website on your localhost by typing python manage.py runserver in your terminal. Access the website using this url: