- 3
- 2
Android notification does not appear in the android device notification center if the android:targetSdkVersion="26"
#69 opened by mg4u - 0
Android O crash
#68 opened by RavindraChherke - 1
- 15
FCM compatibility
#50 opened by kaiiserni - 0
Support for Android O
#67 opened by ezefire - 10
- 0
- 5
How to differentiate bringing the app to the foreground via a notification tap
#39 opened by pakoArtal - 0
Failed to package application running version 1.6 and with titanium sdk 6.1.3
#64 opened by hussain3152 - 6
- 2
Not support for Titanium sdk 6.3.0 ?
#63 opened by ChanakyaSrinivas - 10
no compile sdK 6.1.1
#61 opened by necrocyber - 46
Titanium sdk 6.0.0 support?
#54 opened by mandelmonkey - 8
google.sent_time expected String -> crash
#45 opened by m1ga - 0
Remove USE_CREDENTIALS from timodule.xml
#60 opened by m1ga - 5
App opens automatically when push msg arrives
#19 opened by skypanther - 1
- 12
- 3
Adding new method
#34 opened by kerberosargos - 3
- 2
compiled module
#52 opened by vvavdiya - 0
Exception en Google Play Store
#55 opened by annakozy2011 - 3
registerPush called twice
#51 opened by fadaytak - 4
Module not compatible with SDK 5.4.0 ??
#49 opened by fahad86 - 5
LED light setting not available
#18 opened by RavindraChherke - 4
Crash in Production
#36 opened by annakozy2011 - 1
Error: Alloy is not defined
#48 opened by jonasfunk - 2
Can't install the module
#43 opened by arildojr - 3
Success called twice
#14 opened by m1ga - 15
The module not supported in 5.0.2 sdk
#12 opened by MahmoudElmoghazy - 2
Error when app is closed and notif is received
#24 opened by DFoxinator - 2
Last notification replace the previous
#38 opened by mcvendrell - 1
- 6
Error when module included
#13 opened by mattlanham - 9
Release 1.4 is not detected
#22 opened by macasfaj - 1
- 1
"Gorup" param not working
#31 opened by kerberosargos - 12
- 2
- 4
- 5
Grouping issue
#30 opened by kerberosargos - 4
Module not supported
#28 opened by yankovalera - 5
largeIcon and smallIcon from server?
#25 opened by flaviox83 - 1
Sound not playing
#27 opened by DouglasHennrich - 4
Android "big view" notifications
#9 opened by lawjeremy - 1
gcm.registerPush every time?
#11 opened by lawjeremy - 9
Not receiving messages
#7 opened by m1ga - 6
- 5
4.1.0 ?
#5 opened by DouglasHennrich