
Lamport one-time signature scheme

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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lamport_signature is a Rust implementation of the Lamport one-time signature scheme.

Difference from the lamport_sigs crate

  • lamport_signature can use arbitrary fixed output size digest algorithm implemented in RustCrypto/hashes.
  • lamport_signature can use arbitrary RNG (Random Number Generator) implemented in rust-lang-nursery/rand.


Documentation is available here.


extern crate lamport_signature;
extern crate sha2;
extern crate rand;

use lamport_signature::{PublicKey, PrivateKey, generate_keys};
use sha2::Sha256;
use rand::thread_rng;

let mut rng = thread_rng();
let (mut private_key, public_key) = generate_keys::<Sha256, _>(&mut rng);

let signature = private_key.sign(b"Hello, World!").expect("signing failed");

assert!(public_key.verify(&signature, b"Hello, World!"));

Bug Reporting

Please report bugs either as pull requests or as issues in the issue tracker. lamport_signature has a full disclosure vulnerability policy. Please do NOT attempt to report any security vulnerability in this code privately to anybody.


MIT License.