
Simple python script used for simple incremental pushes when using mercurial. This can be helpful when a single push gets too large and produces 400 Bad Request errors.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple python script used for simple incremental pushes when using mercurial. This can be helpful when a single push gets too large and produces 400 Bad Request errors.


$> hg-incpush --help
usage: __init__.py [-h] [-v] [-s S] [-f F] -p PATH [-d]

Mercurlial incremental push helper (1.0). By Moritz Wundke

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -s S                  Maximum size in MB a bucket can hold
  -f F                  Number of max file a bucket can hold
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to the mercurial clone
  -m MSG, --msg MSG     Custom msg to be used when performing the comments.
                        Use {bucket}, {total} and {files} for extra
  -d, --dry             Perform a dryrun printing into the log the content of
                        the possible buckets


To be able to use this utility on a machine that features python 2.7+ you can proceed with the standart python package installation.

python setup.py install

The installartion process installs the package and a script entry point hg-incpush

Standalone (Windows)

If python is not present in the target machine a simple standalone executable can be build using PyInstaller, the required files are alerady provided for the purpose. To create your standalone executable just install the PyInstaller package, execute the config.bat file and then the build.bat file. Once the process has finished you will find the standlone exe within the dist folder.