
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very very simple container orchestration system.


First clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/moritz157/beethoven.git. Then use npm install to install all the dependencies and npm link after that to enable the cli.


Summoning the daemon

To start the daemon just use beethoven daemon. You probably want to configure your OS to execute this command on boot.

You can also start the daemon detached from the original terminal using the -detached or -d flag

Initializing a container

If you want to create a new container, just navigate to the desired directory an use beethoven init. Then enter the prompted information. This command will create the beethoven.json, which contains all the necessary information.

Registering a container

To register the newly initialized container at the daemon use beethoven register.

Starting a container

Use beethoven start <CONTAINER_NAME> to start the container.

Checking the container status

beethoven status shows you the status of every registered container. If you want to see more info for every container, pass the -v flag.

Stopping a container

beethoven stop <CONTAINER_NAME> stops a container.

Start all containers

Start all containers using beethoven start-all

Stop all containers

Stop all containers using beethoven stop-all

Additional information


Parameters stored in the beethoven.json are:

  • name (String): The name of the container
  • start_command (String): The command to start the container with
  • start_arguments (String[]): The arguments to pass with the start_command
  • version (String): The container's version
  • autostart (Boolean): Should the container be started automatically when the daemon starts
  • depends (String[]): A list of names of containers, which need to be started first because this container depends on them

Daemon API

The daemon hosts a REST-API on port 7737. Since it has no access restriction it is strongly recommended to block port 7737 in your firewall. All data passed in POST-Requests needs to be JSON. It's only accessible over http (not https) and has the following endpoints:

GET /status

Returns the status of every container as a list of Objects with the following parameters: name: String, status: Number, path: String

POST /start

Starts the container specified in the name parameter of the body

POST /stop

Stops the container specified in the name parameter of the body

POST /startAll

Starts every container

POST /stopAll

Stops every container

POST /addContainer

Registeres a container at the directory passed in the path parameter of the body

POST /removeContainer

Unregisteres a container at the directory passed in the name parameter of the body

Get the beethoven version

You can get your beethoven version using beethoven version.


beethoven help gives you information about the CLI-commands.