Coursework AI Basics


I published my notes for the [Guild] Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2020) lectures and the CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python course.


My projects focus on planning because its techniques will be applied in my current CODE project Study Journey. I focused less on reasoning because there isn't much application of its techniques in our project.


  • Maze

    • Inside the Planning/maze directory run python maze[1-5].txt [DFS | BFS | HS]
  • TicTacToe

    • Inside the Planning/tictactoe directory run python to play against the ai.


  • Crossword
  • Inside the Optimization/minesweeper run python data/structure1.txt data/words1.txt, to specifying a structure file and a words file. If an assignment is possible, you should see the resulting assignment printed.

This project is an AI to create a crossword puzzle. It's technically speaking, not an optimization but a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). It would be one if there were a continuous rating of a produced crossword puzzle. However, with this exercise, the outcome was binary.


  • Minesweeper
    • Inside the Reasoning/minesweeper directory, run python

Neural Networks

  • Traffic

    • Download the distribution code from and unzip it.
    • Download the data set for this project and unzip it. Move the resulting gtsrb directory inside of your traffic directory. Inside the traffic directory, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install this project’s dependencies: opencv-python for image processing, scikit-learn for ML-related functions, and tensorflow for neural networks.
    • Inside of the Neural_Networks/traffic directory, run python gtsrb to train the network.

    This project includes a markdown file in which I document my experimentation process and describe how I was investigating different options.