
web application built with TypeScript, tRPC, LangChain, and Pinecone that enables semantic search over uploaded PDF & EPub books to find and retrieve relevant quotes and passages and navigate to them

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Quick demo showcase

Full demo showcase

Main Features

  • Upload PDFs as private or shared
  • Semantic search over book content

Other Features

  • Free & Pro Plan Using Stripe
  • Streaming API Responses in Real-Time
  • Authentication Using Kinde
  • UI Using 'shadcn-ui'
  • Optimistic UI Updates
  • Infinite Message Loading for Performance
  • Drag n' Drop Uploads


  • Pinecone as our Vector Storage
  • LangChain
  • 100% written in TypeScript
  • Prisma as our ORM
  • Data Fetching Using tRPC & Zod

Next task

  • enable search across all selected PDFs
  • switch between normal chat msg and quote retraival


First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Run the Prisma Client:

npx prisma studio

Update prisma schema:

npx prisma db push

Generate prisma schema types:

npx prisma generate