
A universal meta algorithm for machine learning projects - executed by myself.

Meta Algorithm

A universal meta algorithm for machine learning projects - executed by myself.

Step 0: Define the problem

  1. Define input and output
  2. Decide if classification or regression
  3. Decide if supervised or unsupervised
  4. Define evaluation metric

Step 1: Collect data

  1. Define the population
  2. Choose a kind of study (experiment or survey)
  3. If survey: define sampling method
  4. If experiment: define assignment method / kind of manipulation and control for disruptive factor
  5. Choose sample size

Step 2: Analyze data

  1. Take a look at the shape
  2. Take a quick glance
  3. Analyze the most important statistics of the variables (mean, meadian, variance, missing values)
  4. Analyze each variable in depth: statistics, distribution
  5. Analyze relationships: scatterplot matrix with correlation coefficient

Step 4: Select Features

Step 5: Clean data

  1. Analyze columns for missing values and outliers -> drop column / replace with values / do nothing
  2. Analyze rows for missing values and outliers -> drop row / replace with values / do nothing

Step 8: Data augmentation (optional)

Step 9: Feature engineering (optional)

Step 10: Dummy encoding

  1. Identify categorical non-ordinal features
  2. Create dummy variables for those features
  3. Drop original features

Step 10: Feature scaling (optional)

  1. Identify skewed variables
  2. Take log of those variables
  3. Standardize or normalize features

Step 11: Compress data with PCA (optional)

  1. Choose number of components
  2. Fit components
  3. Interpret components
  4. Compress data

Step 12: Apply Kernelfunction (optional)

Step 13: Split data

  • Training data: 70%
  • Validation data: 15%
  • Test data: 15%

Step 14: Choose model, loss-function, learning-algorithm

  1. Choose Model
  2. Supervised regression: linear model
  3. Supervised classification: logistic model, svm, decision trees, naive bayes, neural network
  4. Unsupervised clustering: KMeans, Hierachical Clustering, DBScan, Gaussian Mixture Model
  5. Choose loss-function
  6. Choose learning-algorithm

Step 15: Choose hyperparameters:

  1. Choose hyperparameters of model
  2. Choose hyperparameters of loss-function
  3. Choose hyperparameters of learning-algorithm
  4. Choose sample size

Step 16: Fit model

Step 17: Evaluate model

1.Choose metric 1.Classification: accuracy, precision, recall, F-Score, loss 1.Regression: (adjusted) correlation coefficient, sum of squared resiudal 1.Clustering: adjusted rand score, silhouette coefficient 2.Evaluate model on training and cross-validation set 3.Check bias/underfitting and variance/overfitting

Go to: Step 15

Step 18: Choose hyperparameter with best cross-validation score

Go to: Step 14

Step 19: Choose model, loss-function and learning-algorithm with best cross-validation score

Step 20: Evaluate model on test data

Step 21: Sanity check model by inferencing on random example (optional)

Step 22: Interpret model (optional)

Step 23: Deploy / save model