
Contracts which access functions exposed by arbitrary (addesses indexed by storage) other contracts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

arbitrary contract messaging

This repo provides boilerplate for a truffle migration invoving multiple contracts which talk to each other. The frontend allows selecting a contract and interacting with its public funcation.

Cross contract storage is based (in its most basic form) on Pranav Singhal's truffle box of OpenZeppelin's upgradable proxy pattern. The repo will be extended to allow a choice of contracts (identified by a stored pointer) to validate arbitrary shaped data.

For converting this data, I have modified @Arachnid's String and Slice utlity, Viktor Agayev'sStrings and Bytes and Kevin Kaiser's solidity type casting to compile with solc0.5.x


Let's assume you'll want truffle and ganache-cli installed globally

npm i -g truffle ganache-cli
npm install --save-dev  @nomiclabs/buidler
npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/buidler-waffle

are not needed, but were originally used to provide availablility for multiple compilers. NB this are problematic to install globally.

truffle compile

if you have nmot already compiled. Then always:

truffle migrate

ganache can be run automatically, running the cli explicilty in its own terminal allows you to mointor addresses and transactions.

cd app
npm run start

opens the React app in the browser.


If the app chokes on on network constants being undefined, check that your network in truffle-config.js (if set) and providerUrl in app/src/Web3/adminPanel.js match your ganache URL (which is running, right? You do have a blockchain running?) Alternatively, this may be a migration problem (eg due to async errors) which can fail silently during migration or remigration. Look in the console for whether all, or only some, artifacts are missing the correct network. After fixing any possbile problems, make sure to use truffle migrate --reset to explicitly rebuild.