- Anaconda must be installed.
- You must have a CUDA-enabled device avialable to carry out the inference
Run the following command
python setup.py
This will download the model artifacts and setup the conda environment handrec
. The models are downloaded from filesender.surf, and the links expires on 30/06/2023.
- The model artifacts are large and may take a while to download.
- We only accept binarized images as input for the dead sea scrolls. Please binarize your images before running the inference.
You can create your own environment with conda or pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure torch can detect your CUDA device.
The download links for the models are in the setup.py file. You can download them manually and place them in the artifacts
folder with their respective names.
Models can also be obtained on Google drive:
: https://drive.google.com/u/1/uc?id=15tu0ucEtM2anjKGHBJt70_ro7HUVHxS_&export=downloadseglm-masked-v1-128x1024-iam.pt
: https://drive.google.com/u/1/uc?id=1vWecIuCPiPKSJO1I1hkS5a3SySvLKnyq&export=download
conda activate handrec
To make the transcriptions run our interactive script:
python transcribe.py
If the script fails you may interact with our notebooks in: