
FIDE ELO Ranking System

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ELO is part of the ECHECS project. ELO is an implementation of the ELO Rating System following FIDE rules.


npm install --save-dev @echecs/elo
yarn add @echecs/elo



const ratingA = 1400;
const ratingB = 1400;
const result = 1; // Or 0 or 0.5

const [newRatingA, newRatingB] = update(ratingA, ratingB, 1); // [1410, 1390]


const ratingA = 1400;
const ratingB = 1400;
const result = 1; // Or 0 or 0.5

const [newRatingA, newRatingB] = update(ratingA, ratingB, { result, ageA: 15 }); // [1420, 1390]


delta, expected, kFactor, update

delta(actual: number, expected: number, kFactor: number): number

delta outputs the ELO difference after the game where actual is the result of the game, expected were the odds of the game, and kFactor is the maximum adjustment per game.

import { delta } from "@echecs/elo";

const diff = delta(0.5, 0.8, 10); // -2

expected(a: number, b: number): number

expected returns a number that represents the odds for a certain player a to win against b. The returned value should be greater than 0 and less than 1 (0 < expected < 1)

import { expected } from "@echecs/elo";

const ratingA = 1400;
const ratingB = 1400;

const odds = expected(ratingA, ratingB); // 0.5

const ratingC = 1400;
const ratingD = 1600;

const odds = expected(ratingA, ratingB); // 0.2402530733520421

kFactor({ age?: number, everHigher2400?: boolean, games?: number, isBlitz?: boolean, isRapid?: boolean, rating: number })

kFactor is an auxiliary method to calculate the K Factor of a given player based on multiple flags.

  • age represents the age of the player (age > 0). If the player is less than 18 years while they are under 2300, their K Factor is 40.
  • everhigher2400 tells if the player has ever been 2400 or higher. If so the player K Factor will always be 10.
  • games, number of games since the beginning of their career for a given player. This adjustment allows newly players to reach their stable rating more easily.
  • isBlitz or isRapid are 2 boolean flags to detect when the game is played in blitz or rapid time controls. For these kind of games, K Factor will always be 20.
  • rating (required) represents the rating for the given player.
import { kFactor } from "@echecs/elo";

const k = kFactor({ rating: 1400 }); // 20

const newlyK = kFactor({ games: 10, rating: 1400 }); // 40

update(a: number, b: number, result: 0 | 0.5 | 1 | UpdateResult)

update is the go to API of the library. It returns the updated ratings of players a and b.

result is the given score from the player A perspective. result could be represented with a complex interface to follow all the FIDE rules.

Look at kFactor documentation for more information.

  • ageA represents the age of the player A.
  • ageB represents the age of the player B.
  • everHigher2400A tells if the player A was ever higher 2400 rating.
  • everHigher2400B tells if the player B was ever higher 2400 rating.
  • gamesA number of games of player A since the beginning of their career.
  • gamesB number of games of player B since the beginning of their career.
  • isBlitz tells if the game was played in blitz time control.
  • isRapid tells if the game was played in rapid time control.
  • k K Factor used for both players.
  • kA K Factor used for player A. It takes precedence over k option. Using this option will exclude any calculation using any other options.
  • kB K Factor used for player B. It takes precedence over k option.
  • result score of the game for player A.

Basic usage

import { update } from "@echecs/elo";

const ratingA = 1400;
const ratingB = 1400;
const result = 1;

const [newA, newB] = update(ratingA, ratingB, result); // [1410, 1390]

Advance usage

import { update } from "@echecs/elo";

const ratingA = 1400;
const ratingB = 1400;
const result = 1;

const [newA, newB] = update(ratingA, ratingB, { result, gamesA: 10 }); // [1420, 1390]