
ICARUS Dedicated Server with autoupdate (supervisord)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


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Docker image for the game ICARUS. The image is based on the steamcmd image and uses supervisor to handle startup, automatic updates and cleanup.

Environment Variables

Variable Default Description WIP
SERVER_NAME ICARUS Server The name of the server
SERVER_PASSWORD The password for the server
SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password for the admin login
SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS 8 Max allowed players
SERVER_PORT 17777 The game port for the server
SERVER_QUERYPORT 27015 The steam query port for the server
SERVER_IP Server IP for the server empty check (update cron)
SERVER_SHUTDOWN_IF_NOT_JOINED 300.000000 Number of seconds until started prospect returns to lobby mode
SERVER_SHUTDOWN_IF_EMPTY 60.000000 Number of seconds until server returns to lobby mode after last prospector left
SERVER_ALLOW_NON_ADMINS_LAUNCH True Allows all prospectors to select prospect in lobby mode
SERVER_ALLOW_NON_ADMINS_DELETE False Allows all prospectors to delete prospects in lobby mode
SERVER_RESUME_PROSPECT True After a server restart, resume last prospect
GAME_BRANCH public Steam branch of the ICARUS server
ASYNC_TASK_TIMEOUT 60 Sets AsyncTaskTimeout in Engine.ini
PUID 4711 The UID to run server as
PGID 4711 The GID to run server as
UPDATE_CRON Update game server files cron (eg. */30 * * * * check for updates every 30 minutes)
CLEANUP_CRON Cleanup old prospects cron (checks if all players left the prospect)
CLEANUP_DAYS 1 Cleanup older prospects than x days (checks if all players left the prospect)
CLEANUP_DELETE_BACKUPS false Remove backup files from pruned prospects
CLEANUP_PRUNE_FOLDER pruned Folder for cleaned prospects (relative to Prospects folder)
CLEANUP_EXCLUDES Exclude pattern (regex) for cleanup cron eg. world1|world2
STEAM_API_KEY SteamApi key to authorize requests (needed for empty server check)
STEAMCMD_ARGS --beta "$GAME_BRANCH" validate Additional steamcmd args for the updater

⚠️: Work in Progress

Additional Information

  • STEAM_API_KEY is only needed for the update cron, to check if the server is empty. You can get a key from Steam. If not supplied, the check will be skipped.


Port Description
17777/udp Game port
27015/udp Steam query port


Volume Description
/home/icarus/drive_c/icarus Server config files and saves
/opt/icarus Game files (steam download path)

Note: By default the volumes are created with the UID and GID 4711 (that user should not exist). To change this, set the environment variables PUID and PGID.

Recommended System Requirements

  • CPU: min 2 CPU (preferred high single core performance)
  • RAM: > 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
  • Disk: ~20 GB
  • Docker Host*: Linux, macOS

*Windows is not supported (see #46)


Docker Compose

version: "3"
    image: mornedhels/icarus-server:latest
    container_name: icarus
    hostname: icarus
    restart: unless-stopped
    stop_grace_period: 90s
      - "17777:17777/udp"
      - "27015:27015/udp"
      - ./data:/home/icarus/drive_c/icarus
      - ./game:/opt/icarus
      - SERVER_PASSWORD=secret
      - SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=evenmoresecret
      - SERVER_PORT=17777
      - SERVER_QUERYPORT=27015
      - PUID=4711
      - PGID=4711

Note: The volumes are created next to the docker-compose.yml file. If you want to create the volumes, in the default location (eg. /var/lib/docker) you can use the following compose file:

version: "3"
    image: mornedhels/icarus-server:latest
    container_name: icarus
    hostname: icarus
    restart: unless-stopped
    stop_grace_period: 90s
      - "17777:17777/udp"
      - "27015:27015/udp"
      - data:/home/icarus/drive_c/icarus
      - game:/opt/icarus
      - SERVER_PASSWORD=secret
      - SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=evenmoresecret
      - SERVER_PORT=17777
      - SERVER_QUERYPORT=27015
      - PUID=4711
      - PGID=4711



  • Force Update:
    docker compose exec icarus supervisorctl start icarus-force-update
  • Load Prospect (⚠️: Work in Progress):
    docker compose exec icarus ./icarus-commands loadProspect <ProspectName>

Known Issues

  • OOM: Server logs Freeing x bytes from backup pool to handle out of memory and Fatal error: [File: Unknown] [Line: 197] \nRan out of memory allocating 0 bytes with alignment 0\n but system has enough memory.
    • Solution: Increase maximum number of memory map areas (vm.max_map_count) on docker host. Tested with 262144
        sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
        echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf && sysctl -p