



  • 百年孤独-加西亚.pdf
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.pdf

Big Data

  • google
    • A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data.pdf
    • MapReduce- Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters.pdf
    • The Google File System.pdf
    • 中文版


  • 深入理解计算机系统-第2版.pdf
  • ASCII.png
  • Computer Organization and Architecture 9th.pdf
  • Computer Organization and Design RISC-V edition.pdf
  • Computer.Systems.A.Programmer_s.Perspective.pdf
  • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs-Second edition.pdf
  • x86.pdf


  • Git常用命令.pdf
  • Pro Git 2010-09-21.pdf


  • 笨笨兔的故事 - 新版.pdf

programming ideas

  • 代码之美-精选版.pdf
  • 代码之美.pdf
  • 架构之美-精选版.pdf
  • 软件工程—实践者的研究方法.pdf
  • 微服务:从设计到部署(中文完整版).pdf
  • The Dependency Inversion Principle.pdf


  • rfc6749-OAuth2.0.pdf
  • rfc862.pdf
  • rfc863.pdf
  • rfc2616.pdf http1.1


  • c
    • C99.pdf
    • C标准库.pdf
    • C程序设计语言_K&R_中文版.pdf
    • ISO_IEC_9899_1999_ANSI.C.pdf
    • ISO_IEC_14882_ANSI.CPP.Standard.pdf
    • The.C.Programming.Language.2Nd.Ed Prentice.Hall.Brian.W.Kernighan.and.Dennis.M.Ritchie.pdf
    • theCprogrammingLanguage.pdf
  • database
    • elasticsearch
      • elasticsearch权威指南-the-definitive-guide-cn.pdf
    • mongdb
      • 深入学习MongoDB.pdf
    • mysql
      • Understanding.Mysql.Internals.Apr.2007.pdf
    • sql
    • sqlite
      • 全面解析_SQLite.pdf
      • SQLite_权威指南_中文版.pdf
  • java
    • Concurrent Programming in Java™- Design Principles and Pattern.pdf
    • Design.Patterns.in.Java Steven.John.Metsker.pdf
    • EffectiveJava-SecondEdition.pdf
    • EffectiveJava2.pdf
    • EffectiveJava2中文版.pdf
    • Java 8函数式编程.pdf
    • Java 8实战.pdf
    • Java本地接口(JNI)编程指南和规范2.pdf
    • lecture20.pdf
    • One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
      • One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB (Rod Johnson - Wrox).pdf
  • javascript
    • 数据结构与算法JavaScript描述.pdf
    • Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition – Language Overview.pdf
  • jmeter
    • JMeter中文使用手册.pdf
  • JVM
    • Getting Started with the G1 Garbage Collector.pdf
    • Java虚拟机规范(Java SE 7).pdf
    • memorymanagement-whitepaper-150215.pdf
  • Servlet
    • servlet-3_1-final.pdf
    • Servlet3.1规范(最终版).pdf
  • spring
    • Spring.in.Action.5th.Edition.pdf
    • Spring教程v1.0.pdf
    • Spring实战(第4版).pdf
  • zookeeper
    • ZooKeeper.pdf