
minimal cli pomodoro application

Primary LanguageHTML



A minimalist pomodoro application.


$ gem install doro


$ doro start [-t tag] description of task

This starts a 25 minute pomodoro timer in your terminal. To exit the pomodoro early, you can sent an interrupt with Ctrl+C. Whether you let it finish or not, it will save an entry of your pomodoro to ~/.doro and notify you.

$ doro list [-n num]

This displays a list of your pomodoro entries. Defaults to showing your last 10 entries.

$ doro break [-t num] [--long]

This starts a 5 minute break timer to be used in between pomodoros.

$ doro help

For detailed information.


  • .dororc
  • tests


Supported notification platforms via notifier gem:

  • Growl (Mac OS X)
  • terminal-notifier (Notification Center wrapper for Mac OS X)
  • GNTP Protocol (Growl, with Vagrant support)
  • Kdialog (Linux/KDE)
  • Knotify (Linux/KDE)
  • OSD Cat (Linux)
  • Libnotify (Linux)
  • Snarl (Windows)