
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Local stack using K3D

Getting started project

To clone and run the application, you will need to have Kubectl, k3s, Helm installed on your machine. With all programs installed, run the following command lines:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/moroleandro/stack-k3d

# Access the repository
$ cd stack-k3d/app

# Build image
$ docker build -t [repository-docker-hub]/api-produto:v1.0.0

# Push image
$ docker push [repository-docker-hub]/api-produto:v1.0.0

# Create cluster using k3d
$ k3d cluster create --servers 1 --agents 2 -p "8080:30000@loadbalancer" -p "8181:30001@loadbalancer" -p "8282:30002@loadbalancer"

# Apply manifests kubernetes
$ kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/

# Access dashboard swagger of add products


# Add repo helm prometheus
$ helm3 repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm3 repo update

# Install prometheus on cluster
$ helm3 install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --values ./prometheus/values.yaml

# Dashboard grafana 
$ localhost:8181

# Add repo helm grafana
$ helm3 repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm3 repo update

# Install grafana on cluster
$ helm3 install grafana grafana/grafana --values ./grafana/values.yaml

# Dashboard grafana 
$ localhost:8282


