
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Supported Node.js versions

This repository support 0.33.11 version of nvm with any versions of a Node.js installed. Supported versions of Node.js are between v0.10.0 to v11.1.0.

If you want to check this repository supported versions more, you can check it with below command.

curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/morosawamikihito/nvm/tags | jq .[].name


How to use

When you build with the onbuild image, write FROM morosawamikihito/nvm:onbuild in Dockerfile and execute below command.

docker build -t node-v6.0.0 --build-arg NODE_VERSION='v6.0.0' .

When you use the image that any versions of Node.js installed, execute below command.

docker pull morosawamikihito/nvm:node-v0.10.30


If you have any problems, please tell me through a GitHub issue.