
How to store 11kk items in memory? Comparison of methods: array vs object vs SplFixedArray vs pack vs swoole_table vs swoole_pack vs redis vs memsql vs node.js arrays in php7

Primary LanguagePHP


11kk items in 101 json file 1.5MB each. https://github.com/sat2707/hlcupdocs/tree/master/data/FULL/data


  • id — unique id: int32 unsigned
  • location — location id: int32 unsigned
  • user — user id: int32 unsigned
  • visited_at — timestamp.
  • mark — int from 0 to 5

{"visits": [{"user": 34, "location": 6, "visited_at": 1330898799, "id": 1, "mark": 4}, ...]}
$row = ["user" => 34, "location" => 6, "visited_at" => 1330898799, "id" => 1, "mark" => 4];

Results (on php7 x64):

memory, Mb initializing filling
php array of objects 6231 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = (object) $row;
php array (hash) 6057 $visits = []; $visits[$row['id']] = $row;
php SplFixedArray 5696 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = $row;
php array (index) 3936 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = [$row['user'],...];
redis mset 3354 MSet(["u{$row['id']}" => $row['user'], "l{$row['id']}" => $row['location'], ...])
php SplFixedArray 2790 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = new SplFixedArray(4);
php swoole_table 2200 $visits = new swoole_table(11000000); $visits->set($row['id'], $row);
php arrays 2147 $user = $location = ... = []; $user[$row['id']] = $row['user'];$location[$row['id']] = $row['location'];...
php my object 1430 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = new MyArrayClass($row['user'], ...);
redis hmset 1409 hMSet("v{$row['id']}", ['user' => $row['user'], 'location' => $row['location'], ...]);
redis hmset 1225 hMSet("v{$row['id']}", ['u' => $row['user'], 'l' => $row['location'], ...]);
memsql insert 842 create table insert into
node.js array 780 visits = []; visits[visitsData.visits[y]['id']] = {user:visitsData.visits[y].user,...}
php strings 736 $visits = new SplFixedArray(11000000); $visits[$row['id']] = join(',', [$row['user'], $row['location'], ...]);
php SplFixedArrays 704 $user = new SplFixedArray(11000000);... $user[$row['id']] = $row['user'];$location[$row['id']] = $row['location'];...
sqlite insert 623 create table insert into
php swoole_pack 539 shmop_open($k, "c", 0644, 49*11000000); swoole_pack(['user' => $row['user'], 'location' => $row['location'], ...])
tarantool insert 530 create_index('primary', ...) insert($row['id'], $row['user'], $row['location'], ...]);
mysql insert 515 create table insert into
node.js arrays 514 visits_user = []; visits_location = [];... visits_user[visitsData.visits[y]['id']] = visitsData.visits[y].user;...
php swoole_pack 341 shmop_open($k, "c", 0644, 31*11000000); swoole_pack(['u' => $row['user'], 'l' => $row['location'], ...])
php swoole_pack 209 shmop_open($k, "c", 0644, 19*11000000); swoole_pack([$row['user'], $row['location'], $row['visited_at'], $row['mark']]);
php pack 143 shmop_open($k, "c", 0644, 13*11000000); pack('LLLc', $row['user'], $row['location'], $row['visited_at'], $row['mark']);