
Morph Starter Template

Morph templates, starter kits and examples to kickstart your next project.

Morph starter template is designed to help you save time and ship dApp quickly by abstracting away, the hassle of setting up and configuring your backend and frontend environments.

Building at a hackathon or shipping the next game-changer, This kit is for those who want to build consumer products that impact the lives of everyday people.

Built With

Morph starter kit is built with a variety of frameworks and libraries.

Getting Started

To get started with building on Morph, the easiest way is to use our CLI and you will be be guided to have a dApp up and running. Run the following command on your terminal.

npx @morphl2/create-morph-app@latest create


Deploying your contract and setting up your frontend

  • Please refer to the Contract and Frontend README respectively.

Supported Frameworks

  • support for web and PWA using NextJS
  • Connecting users to your dApp using web3modal
  • Integration and examples of interacting with your contract using wagmi and viem
  • Latest styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Easy smart contract development and deployment using Foundry
  • Environment setup for deploying on Morph Holesky

Starter kits


Do you need gas for Morph Holesky?

  • Learn how to claim some testnet tokens here

Alternatively, you can also claim some testnet funds here: (This faucet serves as an alternate resource for hackathons and may not always be funded)


Contributions are always welcome!.In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.

To add your starterkit, example or builds to this repo,

  • Fork the repo on GitHub
  • Clone the project to your own machine
  • Commit changes to your own branch
  • Push your work back up to your fork
  • Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes


Is the framework you're looking for not here?

Please create an issue describing your request We'll check it out and consider adding it on future releases!


Join our awesome community and keep abreast of announcements and happenings in the ecosystem

  • Follow us on X
  • Join the discussion on discord