
A collection of tools for manipulating texts in Go

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A collection of tools for manipulating texts in Go

Shorten tries to create the most sensible (to a human) shortened text.
If possible, it will try to cut at a non-word char.
It will strip newlines and carriage returns.

Shorten(str string, length int, appendStr string) (shorter string)

SpecialCharsToStandard replaces all kinds of non-ascii chars with transliterations.

SpecialCharsToStandard(str string) string

Slug will convert a string to a slug.
It will also do transliteration of non-ascii chars.

Slug(str string) string

UnCase takes a string in any "case" (kebab-case, snake_case, etc.) and creates a "normal" string.
E.g. my-slug-string -> "My slug string"

UnCase(str string) string

SnakeCase will convert a string to snake_case.

SnakeCase(str string) string

KebabCase will convert a string to kebab-case.

KebabCase(str string) string

CamelCase will convert a string to camelCase.

CamelCase(str string) string

PascalCase will convert a string to PascalCase.
This is the same as camelCase, but with the first letter capitalized.

PascalCase(str string) string

StringInSlice will check if a string is in a slice and return true if it is.

StringInSlice(searchStr string, strs []string) bool

HTMLToText converts HTML to standard text.

HTMLToText(html string) (text string)

TextSanitizer converts HTML to standard text, but also replaces some special chars and escapings.

SanitizeText(txt string) (newTxt string)

CP1258ToUTF8 converts a CP1258 byte array to a UTF-8 string.

CP1258ToUTF8(txt []byte) (utf8Txt string)

RandomString creates a secure pseudorandom string using the crypto rand package.

RandomString(n int) (str string)