
Pratical Reinforcement Learning Course Project (Atari-Breakout)

Primary LanguagePython


Pratical Reinforcement Learning Course Project (Atari-Breakout)

Table Of Contents:

Directory Structure:

|   |-- frames(the data)
|   |    |-- stack
|   |    |-- nostack
|   |-- logs
|   |    |-- training.log
|   |-- agent
|   |    |-- model1
|   |        |-- videos(all test videos)
|   |    |-- model2
|   |        |-- videos(all test videos)
|   |    |-- model3
|   |        |-- videos(all test videos)
|   |-- saved
|   |    |-- model1
|   |        |-- checkpoints(from training)
|   |    |-- model2
|   |        |-- checkpoints(from training)
|   |    |-- model3
|   |        |-- checkpoints(from training)
|    datasets.py
|    gendata_nostack.py
|    gendata_stack.py
|    models.py
|    README.md 
|    test_nostack.py
|    test_stack.py
|    train_nostack.py
|    train_stack.py

Steps to Run Tests:

    • For Model 1 & Model 2:
      python test_stack.py --name=[model1|model2] --max_steps=N (max number of steps in one episode) --ckpt=ckpt_name (only name of the checkpoint not the path, without '.pt' extension)
      For example:
      python test_stack.py --name=model2 --max_steps=30000 --ckpt=ckpt_8
    • Model 3:
      python test_nostack.py --max_steps=N (max number of steps in one episode) --ckpt=ckpt_name (only name of the checkpoint not the path, without '.pt' extension)
      For example:
      python test_nostack.py --max_steps=30000 --ckpt=ckpt_5
  1. The output of the above statement will be present in the agent folder under the corresponding model's folder.(The highest test_n will be the latest run)

Training Procedure:

  • Model 1 & Model 2:

    python gendata_stack.py

    this is to play the game and generate data. Also make sure 'frames/stack' is empty.

    python train_stack.py --name=[model1|model2] --ckpt=ckpt_name --epochs=N --batchs=M --learning_rate=float
  • Model 3:

    python gendata_nostack.py

    this is to play the game and generate data. Also make sure 'frames/nostack' is empty.

    python train_nostack.py --ckpt=ckpt_name --epochs=N --batchs=M --learning_rate=float

models.py contains all the required model definitions.
datasets.py contains all the required pre-processing logic.

Checkpoint Location:

The checkpoints are stored in the saved directory within the corresponding model folder.