
30k genes were found in the adata. Note that Celloracle is intended to use around 1000-3000 genes, so the behavior with this number of genes may differ from what is expected.

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Hi! thank you for the tool.
I just wanted to ask a question about this warning.

30k genes were found in the adata. Note that Celloracle is intended to use around 1000-3000 genes, so the behavior with this number of genes may differ from what is expected.

I am aware the Celloracle should be used on the dataset that contains only the highly variable genes.
However, all the genes for which I am interested on simulating the KO are not in fact HVGs.
I was wondering if the "problem" of using a bigger dataset is just that is more computational expensive, (which I can solve using more resources) or if it is a conceptual error/problem.
If the latter is true, could you please elaborate more on why is it not good to use more than 3000 genes?

Thank you very much for explaining it

Best regards,