The Rules of Tech Support as it currently is in /r/talesfromtechsupport
- acl1704
- AdamDempseyEngland
- AemsOne
- andreaognibene
- aseams
- bucketsadmin
- CamdenSutherlandNew Zealand
- CoderCharmander
- dashrandom
- DasLulilaanMilky Way
- davelevineNew York
- DavidBrightSparcAustralia
- GentlyTech
- haleemyousefUnited Kingdom
- ieatnerdsNew York
- jH-Norway
- kittle-over-the-middle
- Kyle-F-Brooks
- lucascurts1
- MaldorOn the web
- MatheusSalomaoRio Branco - Acre, Brasil
- mwsasser
- natep-techRochester, NY
- nealg42
- neggles@neggl-es
- onerandomusername0,0
- PlatanitoCanario
- pratishshrestha
- rhysedBridgend, Wales
- RonRuble
- sarogMontreal
- ShinIchiHimura
- stefaneyr
- theg00s3Melbourne, Australia
- Tuur-G
- viv-codesLos Alamos National Laboratory