
fork to work

MIT LicenseMIT


An API, common among vendors, is needed that supplies RFC8366 Ownership Vounches used for RFC8572 sZTP. It is necessary to automate the creation and retrieval of OVs, because it is utterly impossible to manage them manually.

It is not necessary that code is shared, but the same API is highly desirably. We seek to define that API here.

This is a WiP.

API Outline

An authenticated TLS connection is necessary. Possibly OIDC or mTLS.

Devices must be identified by a serial number, manufacturer, and model number. The manufacturer is a tuple of a human-readable name and an IANA Private Enterprise Number. The model number must be the same value used in the sZTP hw-model field of the bootstrap record and SNMP, and represents the model of the TPM's parent - not the TPM itself. Together these unambiguously identify a part.

Parts, whether by RMA or PO, must appear in the api well before they arrive at their destination, so that they can immediately be placed in service.

Parts are placed in a group. A group is owned by user(s). A user may create (or delete) groups that become children of a group they own and move parts from a group they own or any child group thereof to any other such group. The list of groups of which a user is a member, the user members of a group, and the list of children of a group should be retrievable.

An organization must be able to delegate parts to another organization (or user), that might not be a subsidiary of the parent, to support management separation by business unit, leasing agent, etc. A delegate might also have parts delegated to it directly from the vendor or other organizations. The part is not delegated, its group is.

An organization should be able to create (and delete) users to whom it can delegate groups.

A list of parts by group must return the full device indentity tuple. Retrieving an individual part, idenfitied by the tuple, must return its EK (public key).

PDCs are assigned to a group.

OVs are retrieved for a specific device, with its group's PDC and a lifetime.

Protobuf definition

This is a WiP, but not ready for presentation.