
My dotfiles. the Makefile will attempt to determine your platform and install the correct files.

Primary LanguagePerl


What is this?

Dotfiles are configuration files in Unix systems that start with a dot (think of .gitignore). The preceeding "dot" is an indication for normal users that these files are not regular documents, and by default are hidden in directory listings.

Why is it useful?

You can set up a new system using dotfiles and an installation script in minutes. It's not hard to get started with your own repository, but I would recommend checking out some existing projects. Read through the setups, the reasonings for each configuration and some of that project's inspirations. There is a lot to learn along this road. For me, this truly was more about the journey than the destination.

How do I use it?


This install is required to have GNU Stow installed. Stow is a symlink farm manager, you can read more about it here.

	brew install stow
-- or --
	sudo apt-get install stow

Once you have Stow installed and you've cloned the repo...

	$ make

Thanks to James Tomasino, the Makefile will attempt to determine your platform and install the correct files. You do have the option to specify the platform specifically make OSX.

OSX Setup

Currently, I've only implemented a setup script of OSX. For fresh machines, you should be able to run the setup directly, in which it will run the system setup, install a variety of applications, pull these dotfiles and run the setup. Turning Off Rootless System Integrity Protection in Mac OS X: We can't automate this, but you can read more about the commands you will need to run here: http://osxdaily.com/2015/10/05/disable-rootless-system-integrity-protection-mac-os-x/ After you disable the integrity protection, install Xcode. Once you get Xcode installed, you can run the following command.

	curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morsecodemedia/dotfiles/master/osx/osx.sh | bash


  • James Tomasino: James is my original inspiration for creating my own set of dotfiles, but also to become more efficient in the command line over the years.
  • Zach Holman: For a great breakdown of why to have your dotfiles topic centric.
  • Dries Vints: Dries's Brewfile was the original draw/inspiration for mine, and then I expanded based on his influences and others that I've come across over time. Although I've since removed the Brewfile from my setup, a lot of the learnings I gained from Dries was transferred to what I've currently ended up with.
  • Maxime Fabre: A verbose setup of OSX configurations.


  • Install script for Linux
  • Install script for Windows
  • Get smarter, become better.