
Simple library that lets you generate "magic" value for the NoS0577 login packet

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple library that lets you generate "magic" value for the NoS0577 login packet

Python installation

pip install nosauth

Please refer to the example.py for working example

The packet

New login packet NoS0577 is used when you login with Gameforge launcher

That's how it looks like: "NoS0577 " + SESSION_TOKEN + " " + INSTALLATION_GUID + " 003662BF" + " " + REGION_CODE + char(0xB) + "" + " 0 " + MD5_STR(MD5_FILE("NostaleClientX.exe") + MD5_FILE("NostaleClient.exe"))

  • NoS0577 - The header of the packet, const value
  • SESSION_TOKEN - Value generated by this library, after the value there are two spaces in the login packet
  • INSTALLATION_GUID - Id that is generated during installation, for login purposes it probably may be random, stored in the windows registry under key name InstallationId in SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Gameforge4d\\TNTClient\\MainApp
  • 003662BF - Random value converted to HEX
  • REGION_CODE - GF code of your region - 4 for PL
  • char(0xB) - Single character with ASCII code 0xB
  • - Current version of client, may be obtained from the NostaleClientX.exe file version
  • 0 - const value
  • MD5_STR(MD5_FILE("NostaleClientX.exe") + MD5_FILE("NostaleClient.exe")) - MD5 generated from concatenation of MD5 uppercase strings of NostaleClientX.exe and NostaleClient.exe

The useless stuff

The client makes some useless stuff (at least - for us) like

  1. When you press "Start" The launcher generates mostly like pseudo-random GUID and saves it to the environment variable called _TNT_SESSION_ID
  2. Launcher launches the client with gf parameter
  3. Client reads the _TNT_SESSION_ID value from the system environment variables, the value is further used to identify the client in the launcher (in case you run multiple NosTale clients)
  4. Now the client and the launcher talk over newly created pipe using JSON-RPC protocol.
  5. The client queries the launcher using the _TNT_SESSION_ID value, the client requests info such as USERNAME and code, then it translates the code into SESSION_TOKEN using simple algorithm and sends it along with login packet

Core part


There are three types of User-Agents. For the majority of requests you will use the Chromium one (for example this specified in Accounts section below). For the second and third type the User-Agent looks like: Chrome/Cversion (MAGIC) GameforgeClient/2.1.22, for example Chrome/C2.1.22.784 (6a28914b) GameforgeClient/2.1.22

Where the MAGIC is:

For the second type

The second type of User-Agent is used for example during request to /api/v1/patching/download/nostale/default?branchToken. There are instructions how to generate this user-agent:

NOTE: The ouput of all hashing algorithms is hexlified string, not raw bytes! Firsly, you need to grab first number from your TNT-Installation-Id.

In case the first number is even (number % 2 == 0) or there are only letters in your TNT-Installation-Id:

  • MAGIC = first 8 characters from left of SHA256(SHA256(Cert) + SHA1(version) + SHA256(TNT-Installation-Id))

Otherwise (when the first number is odd):

  • MAGIC = the last 8 characters of SHA256(SHA1(Cert) + SHA256(version) + SHA1(TNT-Installation-Id))

For the third type

The third type of User-Agent is used for example while getting the auth code, so it's probably the most important one for you.

NOTE: The ouput of all hashing algorithms is hexlified string, not raw bytes! Firsly, you need to grab first number from your TNT-Installation-Id.

In case the first number is even (number % 2 == 0) or there are only letters in your TNT-Installation-Id:

  • MAGIC = 2 first chars of your account id + first 8 characters from left of SHA256(SHA256(Cert) + SHA1(version) + SHA256(TNT-Installation-Id) + SHA1(account-id))

Otherwise (when the first number is odd):

  • MAGIC = 2 first chars of your account id + the last 8 characters of SHA256(SHA1(Cert) + SHA256(version) + SHA1(TNT-Installation-Id) + SHA256(account-id))


  • Cert - Gameforge PEM cert embedded into launcher
  • version - The current version of the launcher, for example "C2.1.22.784"
  • account-id - Id of the account you are trying to log-in

Obtaining token example:

This is an example of obtaining the third type of token with following data:

  • version = C2.1.22.784
  • Cert = cert.pem file from this repository
  • account-id = fb50ca7a-6ba2-11eb-9439-0242ac130002
  • TNT-Installation-Id = a777c5e7-c9ac-407b-99b4-1a5934137f43

The first number of TNT-Installation-Id is 7, it is odd number so:

  • SHA1(Cert) = 6a62b8e71fac63afc5abcb927a63f83aaa2ccb5b
  • SHA256(version) = SHA256("C2.1.22.784") = bb3dc2ed5d66d85d099d97513c52fbe699e61e5e8c71f91b9137566514c04e51
  • SHA1(TNT-Installation-Id) = SHA1("a777c5e7-c9ac-407b-99b4-1a5934137f43") = 8b3c8dbe01fbb1d18ec288b74f072915f8d268b4
  • SHA256(Account-Id) = SHA256("fb50ca7a-6ba2-11eb-9439-0242ac130002") = bcabe70d5883ceead32fe116322824be320b18a98a241a5370a5de5e34763697
  • 2 first chars of account id = fb
  • SHA256(SHA1(Cert) + SHA256(version) + SHA1(TNT-Installation-Id) + SHA256(account-id)) = SHA256(6a62b8e71fac63afc5abcb927a63f83aaa2ccb5b + bb3dc2ed5d66d85d099d97513c52fbe699e61e5e8c71f91b9137566514c04e51 + 8b3c8dbe01fbb1d18ec288b74f072915f8d268b4 + bcabe70d5883ceead32fe116322824be320b18a98a241a5370a5de5e34763697) = 825e786ede7e1421cda70988d9e493a4adeb9ce2986a48848763bd5cb506b95a
  • Last 8 characters of the previous one = b506b95a
  • Result = 2 first chars of account id + Last 8 characters of the previous one = fbb506b95a


To obtain the token first you need to auth yourself. To do so you need to send POST request to https://spark.gameforge.com/api/v1/auth/sessions, you send it only once.

In the request header you need to specify TNT-Installation-Id from the windows registry. In the body of the request you need to specify JSON content:

  • email - your email
  • locale - example: pl_PL
  • password - your password

In the response you will get JSON content:

  • token - value that is used later in API requests, it is NOT that one to use in login packet


Since some time you may bind multiple game accounts to your GF account. To handle it you need to make GET request to https://spark.gameforge.com/api/v1/user/accounts

In the request header you need to specify:

  • TNT-Installation-Id - value from windows registry
  • User-Agent - Eg. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36
  • Authorization - Bearer + TOKEN_FROM_AUTH_REQUEST

In the response you get JSON array of all the accounts. Top level keys in the list are account ids.

Almost done

To obtain the right token you need to make POST request to https://spark.gameforge.com/api/v1/auth/thin/codes In the request header you need to specify:

  • TNT-Installation-Id - value from windows registry
  • User-Agent - This is the third type token, for the details look at the User-Agent paragraph at the beginning of the document, eg. Chrome/C2.1.22.784 (fbb506b95a) GameforgeClient/2.1.22
  • Authorization - Bearer + TOKEN_FROM_AUTH_REQUEST

In the request JSON body you need to specify:

  • platformGameAccountId - the id of selected account from previous section
  • gsid - field consisting of client_session_id + - + random 4 digit number. The client_session_id can be random, but preferably it should be the same as the client_session_id generated for start_time request sent to https://events.gameforge.com

In the response you get JSON content with:

  • code - The value you are looking for

You may call the api/v1/auth/thin/codes multiple times with the auth token obtained from api/v1/auth/thin/sessions

Finally, the SESSION_TOKEN

To use the code in login packet you need to convert it to SESSION_TOKEN. The conversion is very simple. It changes the code into hex string.

Lets say you got code equal to a857263a-3fc1-4c60-ad78-9b6d9a2a0691, after the conversion it will look like 61383537323633612D336663312D346336302D616437382D396236643961326130363931 because you convert characters from code element by element into hexstring, so:

  • a -> 97 -> 0x61 -> 61
  • 8 -> 56 -> 0x38 -> 38

and so on, so the string will look like 6138...