The open-source programming language Python, together with the extensions Numpy, SciPy and GDAL, is an excellent platform for performing digital image analysis tasks on remote sensing imagery. This short course is intended to provide a basic familiarity with Python syntax and semantics, sufficient to allow students to write their own analysis programs in Python.
The topics covered will include:
= Installing a scientific Python environment (Anaconda2)
= Interactive development in Jupyter notebooks
= Basic syntax, how to write and run a Python script
= Variables, functions, classes
= Importing modules, namespaces
= Numpy (numerical Python), array-oriented programming
= GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library), reading and writing imagery
= Integrated Development Environments: IDLE, Eclipse, IPython
= Graphics with MatPlotLib (mathematical graphics library)
= Programming the Google Earth Engine with the Python API
= Example scripts: PCA, Classification, Clustering, MAD ...
Go to and follow the instructions.
Go to, download the ZIP and unpack it to a convenient location.
CD into the subdirectory ZFLPython and run
Jupyter Notebook
from the command line. Open this Notebook