
Mathematica scripts (Wolfram language) for solving 2-person games

Primary LanguageMathematica

Algorithmic game theory with Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi


Clone the repository to a convenient location, e.g., ~/Wolfram

On Raspbian or Ubuntu run

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lrslib

Run the software

Start Mathematica

Load the Wolfram language game theory script with


For payoff matrices A and B, display the bimatrix with


Solve the game with, eg.,


for the support enumeration algorithm


for the Lemke Howson algorithm

NashEquilibria[A,B,Select->All] f

for complete vertex enumeration.

For symbolic payoff matrices As and Bs, solve the game symbolicaly with


where s is a list of numerical substitutions for all of the symbols on As and Bs.

There are many other forms, including normal form perfect equilibria, evolutionarily stable equilibria, zero-sum games, maximal Nash subsets, ...

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Load the Notebook resolvingconflicts1.nb