
⚙️ Morten Andersen ⚙️ Personal Tech Notes & Mindmaps ⚙️ "Perfect is the enemy of good" ⚙️

Primary LanguageJavaCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Notes on programming languages, network, systems, calendars, etc.

Programming Languages and Development Tools


  • Linux Notes - Linux notes. Primarily for command line tools

Network and Web

  • Network Testing - online tools for testing network settings for HTTP servers
  • Web Testing - online tools for testing web pages. Primarily for load speed
  • Browser Testing - Microsoft virtual images for running old Internet Explorer and Edge
  • Password sharing - services for sharing passwords


  • Time Related Notes - links to various information about high resolution time as well as to more general information about calendars.

Text, Encoding, Unicode, Emoji's

Technical notes

  • Technical notes - for various technical areas.
    • IEC-61400-25 - a standard describing communication between SCADA systems and wind power plants/turbines.

Office Tools

Open Source Software - Putting your money where your mouth is

CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

© Morten Andersen - 🔗 accel.dk