
Documentation for Dependabot's API


Dependabot API docs

Dependabot has a JSON API to make it easy to bulk-import projects. This API is also used by the Dependabot dashboard.

Please note that Dependabot cannot commit to maintaining backwards compatibility of this API. We will, however, update these docs whenever breaking changes are made (likely to be infrequently). We recommend you "watch" this repo to receive notifications of any changes.


Dependabot uses GitHub access tokens to authenticate users. To use the API:

  • Create a GitHub personal access token with repo permissions (so the token can see private repos)
  • Add an Authorization: Personal <token> header to all requests using this access token

We use the access token you provide to ensure you have sufficient GitHub permissions to undertake any actions you request through the Dependabot API.


Get Accounts

GET https://api.dependabot.com/accounts

Returns all Dependabot accounts that the authenticated user has access to.

Example response
    "data": [
            "id": "27347476",
            "type": "accounts",
            "attributes": {
                "github-id": 27347476,
                "github-login": "dependabot",
                "github-account-type": "org",
                "access-granted-to-all-repos": true,
                "current-installation-id": 25920,
                "plan-name": "free",
                "plan-number": 7,
                "free-trial-end-date": null,
                "automatically-rebase-prs": true,
                "update-run-time": "05:00",
                "create-merge-commits": false,
                "weekly-update-run-day": "monday",
                "limit-initial-update-runs": true,
                "limit-open-pull-requests": true
            "id": "1144873",
            "type": "accounts",
            "attributes": {
                "github-id": 1144873,
                "github-login": "greysteil",
                "github-account-type": "user",
                "access-granted-to-all-repos": true,
                "current-installation-id": 132882,
                "plan-name": "free",
                "plan-number": 7,
                "free-trial-end-date": null,
                "automatically-rebase-prs": true,
                "update-run-time": "02:15",
                "create-merge-commits": true,
                "weekly-update-run-day": "monday",
                "limit-initial-update-runs": true,
                "limit-open-pull-requests": true

Get Repos for an account

GET https://api.dependabot.com/repos?account-id=27347476&account-type=org&installation-state=active

Returns all repos for the specified account. Allowed states are active and inactive.

Example response
    "data": [
            "id": "93163073",
            "type": "repos",
            "attributes": {
                "github-id": 93163073,
                "name": "dependabot-core",
                "installation-state": "active",
                "private": false,
                "fork": false,
                "github-url": "https://github.com/dependabot/dependabot-core",
                "primary-language": "ruby",
                "default-branch": "master"
            "relationships": {
                "update-configs": {
                    "data": [
                            "id": "1332",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "5061",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "275",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "879",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "1672",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "326",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                            "id": "3123",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                "account": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "27347476",
                        "type": "accounts"
            "id": "131328855",
            "type": "repos",
            "attributes": {
                "github-id": 131328855,
                "name": "dependabot-script",
                "installation-state": "active",
                "private": false,
                "fork": false,
                "github-url": "https://github.com/dependabot/dependabot-script",
                "primary-language": "ruby",
                "default-branch": "master"
            "relationships": {
                "update-configs": {
                    "data": [
                            "id": "4925",
                            "type": "update-configs"
                "account": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "27347476",
                        "type": "accounts"
    "included": [
            "id": "1332",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "javascript",
                "package-manager": "npm_and_yarn",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/helpers/npm",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:minor",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "5061",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "java",
                "package-manager": "gradle",
                "update-schedule": "daily",
                "directory": "/helpers/gradle",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "never",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "never",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "275",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "php",
                "package-manager": "composer",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/helpers/php",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:patch",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "879",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "javascript",
                "package-manager": "npm_and_yarn",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/helpers/yarn",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:minor",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "1672",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "python",
                "package-manager": "pip",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/helpers/python",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:patch",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "326",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "ruby",
                "package-manager": "bundler",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:patch",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "3123",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "elixir",
                "package-manager": "hex",
                "update-schedule": "live",
                "directory": "/helpers/elixir",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:patch",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:patch",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "93163073",
                        "type": "repos"
            "id": "4925",
            "type": "update-configs",
            "attributes": {
                "language": "ruby",
                "package-manager": "bundler",
                "update-schedule": "daily",
                "directory": "/",
                "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "never",
                "automerge-rule-development-deps": "never",
                "target-branch": null,
                "lockfile-only": false,
                "security-updates-only": false
            "relationships": {
                "repo": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "131328855",
                        "type": "repos"

Create an Update Config for a repo

POST https://api.dependabot.com/update_configs

  "repo-id": 93163073,
  "package-manager": "bundler",
  "update-schedule": "daily",
  "directory": "/",
  "account-id": "27347476",
  "account-type": "org",

Creates an update config. In addition, the following parameters can also be passed:

Attribute Default Description
target-branch GitHub default The branch to create PRs against.
lockfile-only false Ignore updates that are out-of-range of the manifest file.
security-updates-only false Only generate PRs for updates that fix a security vulnerability.
automerge-rule-development-deps "never" One of "never", "security:patch", "semver:patch", "semver:minor", "in_range" or "all".
automerge-rule-runtime-deps "never" One of "never", "security:patch", "semver:patch", "semver:minor", "in_range" or "all".

Update an existing Update Config

PATCH https://api.dependabot.com/update_configs/:id

  "update-schedule": "live",
  "target-branch": "dev",
  "lockfile-only": true,
  "security-updates-only": false,
  "update-schedule": "daily",
  "automerge-rule-development-deps": "semver:patch",
  "automerge-rule-runtime-deps": "semver:minor"

Update an update config, for example to change its update schedule.

Delete an existing Update Config

DELETE https://api.dependabot.com/update_configs/:id

Delete an update config.

Notify Dependabot of a private dependency release

POST https://api.dependabot.com/release_notifications/private

  "name": "your_dependency_name",
  "version": "1.5.0"
  "package-manager": "bundler"

Notifes Dependabot of a private dependency release. In response, Dependabot will check all of the repos that belong to an organisation your access token has access to. If any use an outdated version of the dependency and have their update schedule set to live Dependabot will create update PRs for them.

The name attribute should be the name of the dependency. For Java dependencies the name is constructed from the groupId and artifactId of the dependency, joined by a : (for example: org.kohsuke:github-api).

This endpoint is useful to get immediate updates to private dependencies. However, if you release a new version of a private dependency but don't notify Dependabot then it will still pick it up the following morning.