
Quickstart angular 4 and asp.net mvc 5

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quickstart angular 4 and asp.net mvc 5

Compare with Angular quickstart

This repo base on https://github.com/angular/quickstart

  1. Changed src folder to AngularSrc
  2. Added one line to RouteConfig.cs
  3. Moved tsconfig.json to root and change module value to 'commonjs'.
  4. Removed non-essential files.
  5. Replaced index.cshtml with quickstart index.html (with some changes)(layout set to null for simplifying)
  6. minor change on systemjs.config.js

You can compare this quickstart with angular quickstart. https://github.com/angular/quickstart

Don't forget to run this code inside package console mangert on root path of project.(Or Re-save package.json with vs)

npm install