
squirrelWords does a couple of fun substitutions of words on webpages.


  • Google Chrome:
    • Download squirrelWords.crx
    • Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions
    • Find the squirrelWords.crx file you downloaded, and drag it into the Chrome window.
  • Safari:

XKCD is guilty of a lot of this.

Words it substitutes:

["Keyboard", "Leopard"],
["The Cloud", "My Butt"],
["Cloud", "Butt"],
["Internet", "Interbutt"],
["Witnesses", "These dudes I know"],
["Witness", "This dude I know"],
["Allegedly", "Kinda probably"],
["New study", "Tumblr post"],
["Rebuild", "Avenge"],
["Space", "Spaaace"],
["Google Glasses", "Virtual Boys"],
["Google Glass", "Virtual Boy"],
["Smartphone", "Pokédex"],
["Electric", "Atomic"],
["Senator", "Elf-lord"],
["Senate", "Rivendell"],
["Car", "Cat"],
["Election", "Eating Contest"],
["Congressional Leaders", "River Spirits"],
["Homeland Security", "Homestar Runner"],
["Microsoft", "Derpsoft"],
["Apple", "Pear"],
["OS X", "Hipsterware"],
["iOS", "Hipsterware Lite"],
["Could not be reached for comment", "Is guilty and everyone knows it"],
["Could not be reached", "Is guilty"],
["An informed source", "My friend Alan"],
["Informed sources", "My buddies"],
["Informed source", "My friend Alan"],
["Developer", "Masturbator"],
["Code", "Semen"],
["Programming", "Masturbating"],
["Programmer", "Masturbator"],
["Program", "Masturbate"],
["Scripter", "Wanker"],
["Scripting", "Wanking"],
["Script", "Wank"],
["Webdev", "Wanker"],
["Web developer", "Wanker"],
["Continued", "Refused to stfu"],
["Economist", "Grand mystic"],
["Penis", "Willy"],
["Windows", "Vindos"],
["God", "Snorlax"],
["Distributed", "Disturbed"],
["Disturbed", "Distributed"],
["Distribution", "Distrubation"],
["Disturbation", "Distribution"],
["Distribute", "Disturb"],
["Disturb", "Distribute"],
["Cancel", "Nvm"],
["More", "Moar"],
["Fork", "Spoon"],
["Wrap", "Attack"],
["Question", "Questchin"],
["Commenter", "Complainer"],
["Comment", "Complaint"],
["Report", "Fuck"],
["Journal", "Fuck"],
["GNU", "Hipster"],
["Git", "Pot"],
["Gist", "Weed"],
["Watch", "Molest"],
["Delete", "Eat"],
["Commit", "Orgasm"],
["Walked", "Bounced"],
["Walking", "Bouncing"],
["Walk", "Bounce"],
["Scared", "Spook"],
["Its", "Her"],
["Application", "Girlfriend"],
["Project", "Girlfriend"],
["Porn", "Pleeeeasure"],
["Website", "Wobsite"],
["Blog", "Blag"],
["Airpont", "Airpart"],
["Batman", "A man dressed like a bat"],
["Opinion", "Onion"],
["Squirrel", "Tallefjant"],
["Banana", "Gulebøy"],
["Shark", "Kjempetorsk"],
["Toilet paper", "Rumpekrafs"],
["Google", "Gurgle"],
["Amazon", "Barnes & Noble"],
["Computer","Compy 386"],
["Bitcoin", "Monopoly Money"],
["Facebook", "Friendster"],
["Email", "Fax"],
["Phone", "Telegram"],
["Barack Obama", "Boruk Obormo"],
["Obama", "Orbomo"],
["President", "Glorious Leader"],
["CEO", "Support Technician"],
["Internet", "Butterfly Net"]