
Testing building a ABM using Project Mesa for workforce

Primary LanguagePython

GP Workforce Model


A simple workforce model, consisting of three agent types: GP Fellows, Trainees, and Patients. The GP Fellows train trainees over 5 years, the Trainees then become Fellows. The GP Fellow may or may not take on another trainee.

The model is tests and demonstrates several Mesa concepts and features:

  • MultiGrid
  • Multiple agent types (GP Fellow, Trainee and Patient)
  • Overlay arbitrary text (Age and Sex of the Provider) on agent's shapes while drawing on CanvasGrid
  • Agents inheriting a behavior (random movement) from an abstract parent
  • Writing a model composed of multiple files.
  • Dynamically adding and removing agents from the schedule



To install the dependencies use pip and the requirements.txt in this directory. e.g.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install names

How to Run

To run the model interactively, run mesa runserver in this directory. e.g.

mesa runserver

Then open your browser to and press Reset, then Run.


  • workforce/random_walker.py: This defines the RandomWalker agent, which implements the behavior of moving randomly across a grid, one cell at a time. Both the Wolf and Sheep agents will inherit from it.
  • workforce/test_random_walk.py: Defines a simple model and a text-only visualization intended to make sure the RandomWalk class was working as expected. This doesn't actually model anything, but serves as an ad-hoc unit test. To run it, cd into the workforce directory and run python test_random_walk.py. You'll see a series of ASCII grids, one per model step, with each cell showing a count of the number of agents in it.
  • workforce/agents.py: Defines the GP Fellow, Trainee, and Patient agent classes.
  • workforce/schedule.py: Defines a custom variant on the RandomActivation scheduler, where all agents of one class are activated (in random order) before the next class goes
  • workforce/model.py: Defines the Workforce model itself
  • workforce/server.py: Sets up the interactive visualization server
  • run.py: Launches a model visualization server.