
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Readable API Server

This is the starter project for the final assessment project for Udacity's Redux course where you will build a content and comment web app. Users will be able to post content to predefined categories, comment on their posts and other users' posts, and vote on posts and comments. Users will also be able to edit and delete posts and comments.

This repository includes the code for the backend API Server that you'll use to develop and interact with the front-end portion of the project.

Start Developing

To get started developing right away:

  • Install and start the API server
    • cd server
    • npm install
    • npm start
  • In another terminal window, use Create React App to scaffold out the front-end
    • cd client
    • npm install
    • npm start

API Server

Information about the API server and how to use it can be found in its README file.

API Endpoint

The following endpoints are available:

Endpoints Usage Params
GET /categories Get all of the categories available for the app. List is found in categories.js. Feel free to extend this list as you desire.
GET /:category/posts Get all of the posts for a particular category.
GET /posts Get all of the posts. Useful for the main page when no category is selected.
POST /posts Add a new post. id - UUID should be fine, but any unique id will work
timestamp - [Timestamp] Can in whatever format you like, you can use Date.now() if you like.
title - [String]
body - [String]
author - [String]
category - Any of the categories listed in categories.js. Feel free to extend this list as you desire.
GET /posts/:id Get the details of a single post.
POST /posts/:id Used for voting on a post. option - [String]: Either "upVote" or "downVote".
PUT /posts/:id Edit the details of an existing post. title - [String]
body - [String]
DELETE /posts/:id Sets the deleted flag for a post to 'true'.
Sets the parentDeleted flag for all child comments to 'true'.
GET /posts/:id/comments Get all the comments for a single post.
POST /comments Add a comment to a post. id - Any unique ID. As with posts, UUID is probably the best here.
timestamp - [Timestamp] Get this however you want.
body - [String]
author - [String]
parentId - Should match a post id in the database.
GET /comments/:id Get the details for a single comment.
POST /comments/:id Used for voting on a comment.
PUT /comments/:id Edit the details of an existing comment. timestamp - timestamp. Get this however you want.
body - [String]
DELETE /comments/:id Sets a comment's deleted flag to true.