
My markdown language for documents: blogs, ebooks, and print

Primary LanguagePython

MDL - Mortoray's Document Language

My multi-purpose markdown language. MDL combines a document language, similar to markdown, with a structured header language, similar to YAML.

I use this tool on a day-to-day basis for my own work. It is fairly stable, though I can't guarantee I won't add anything that changes the formatting, or accepts a new syntax. As I use it on more sites, it becomes ever more stable.

Follow the development at mortoray.com or follow me on Mastadon

I actively use this generator/parser for:

  • Edaqa's Kitchen: Healthy modern recipes. I use it for the text part of recipes.
  • Edaqa's Room: Online escape rooms. I use MCL for the primary game script as well as the document language for the grimoire.
  • Musing Mortoray: Technical Blog. I'm using the document language to write articles and publish in multiple formats.


There is an entry point defined on the module that that reads MDL files and emits either HTML or Markdown.

python -m mdl --help


python -m mdl README.mdl --write markdown README.md

Be aware that not all emitters will support all of the doc-tree at any given time. It's all in flux now.

Python 3.10

NOTE: Uncertain if this is still needed/up-to-date

sudo apt install python3.10-distutils python3.10-dev