rpminspect-data-fedora ====================== This package provides data files used by the rpminspect program on Fedora Linux. Some defaults are provided by the software, but the idea is that you will customize these files based on the products you are making. PACKAGING --------- The rpminspect package builds the software and a data package called rpminspect-data-generic. This is a template package and is there so that the output of the rpminspect.spec file is complete. The generic package does not contain anything vendor-specific. The intent is for the vendor to create their own data package to use in place of the generic package. The preferred way to do that is to create an rpminspect-data-VENDOR package and add this to the spec file: Requires: rpminspect rpminspect does not technically need an rpminspect-data-* package to run. They are just a convenient way to centralize vendor-specific data used by rpminspect. Care should be taken creating vendor-specific data packages so they do not collide with other data packages users may want installed. RELEASING (notes for the package maintainer, not ordinary users) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Use the upstream release repo for these steps: [ ] Ensure all required PRs are merged. [ ] git clean -dxf [ ] git pull [ ] make [ ] make check [ ] make clean [ ] make announce > ~/newchanges [ ] make release [ ] make srpm [ ] Go to https://github.com/rpminspect/rpminspect-data-fedora and draft a new release for this release. Title it "rpminspect-data-fedora-X.Y" and paste the contents of ~/newchanges in the description box. Attach these files to the release from this directory: rpminspect-data-fedora-X.Y.tar.xz rpminspect-data-fedora-X.Y.tar.xz.asc [ ] make koji NOTE: You may want to try each branch individually using the syntax described in the 'make help' output. By default this target will submit Koji builds for all Fedora and EPEL branches in the rpminspect-data-fedora dist-git repo that have active build targets. [ ] Wait for the builds to finish. You will receive email notifications or you can watch the progress in the Koji task URL. For each branch that completes (except rawhide), submit an update request for that build: fedpkg switch-branch BRANCH git clean -dxf git pull fedpkg update --type enhancement --request testing \ --notes "Upgrade to rpminspect-data-fedora-X.Y" \ --no-require-bugs --no-require-testcases The type can be 'bugfix', 'security', 'enhancement', or 'newpackage'. Generally rpminspect will be enhancement unless the release only contains bug fixes (which would be typos). [ ] In the master branch, increment the version number of the project in meson.build and push that. This way the new Copr builds will carry a newer version number that represents the next release. [ ] git push The release is now done. Use the text from ~/newchanges in a blog post about the release. It may be a good idea to go do releases of the data packages now and do a combined blog post about all of them.
Fedora-specific data and configuration files used by rpminspect