
Actividades sobre el uso del sistema de bases de datos Mongo DB

Seminario MongoDB

Actividades sobre el uso del sistema de bases de datos Mongo DB

Actividad N° 1

  1. Instalar MongoDB en ambiente local.
- Ingresar a www.mongodb.com
- Descargar MongoDB Community Server edition.
  1. Conectarse a MongoDB vía CLI.

    • Configurar la variable de entorno
    • Crear la carpeta para almacenar la db:
      mkdir C:\data\db
    • Ejecutar el servidor de Mongo en la terminal
    • Ejecutar el cliente Mongo en otra ventana de la terminal
  2. Crear una nueva base de datos llamada futbolfifa.

use futbolfifa
  1. Crear una nueva collection llamada players.
  1. Insertar 5 documentos en la collection players con datos básicos (nombre, apellido, posición, fecha de nacimiento, etc).
    {name: "Lionel", surname: "Messi", position: "forward", birthdate: new Date(24,5,1987), height: 170},
    {name: "Leandro", surname: "Paredes", position: "midfielder", birthdate: new Date(29,5,1994), height: 180}, 
    {name: "Ángel", surname: "Di María", position: "midfielder", birthdate: new Date(14,1,1988), height: 180},
    {name: "Mauro", surname: "Icardi", position: "forward", birthdate: new Date(12,1,1993), height: 181},
    {name: "Keylor", surname: "Navas", position: "goalkeeper", birthdate: new Date(15,11,1986), height: 185}])
  1. Listar todos los documentos de la collection players.
  1. Crear otras collections con documentos (ej. teams, games, etc).

    [{name: "PSG", city: "Paris", country: "France", foundation: 1970 },
    {name: "Rayo Vallecano", city: "Madrid", country: "Spain", foundation: 1924},
    {name: "Lille", city: "Lille", country: "France", foundation: 1944}])

Actividad N° 2

  1. Crear una nueva base de datos de un sistema de streaming de video (ej. Netflix, Flow, Amazon Prime) que permita almacenar movies.
use v-streaming
  1. Para cada movie, se debería guardar información como título (String), year (Number), rating (Number, entre 1.0 y 5.0), genre (String), description (String), actors (Array-String-), country (String), income (Number), duration (Number).
{title: "The Godfather", year: 1972, rating: 5.0, genre: "Drama", "Description: "An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.", actors: ["Marlon Brandon", "Al Pacino"], income: 150000000, duration: 175}
  1. Agregar películas usando insert(), insertOne() & insertMany().
//Con insert()
db.movies.insert({title: "The Godfather", year: 1972, rating: 5.0, genre: "Drama", Description: "An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.", actors: ["Marlon Brandon", "Al Pacino"], income: 150000000, duration: 175})

//con insertOne() - Devuelve el ID
db.movies.insertOne({title: "The Shawshank Redemption", year: 1994, rating: 4.8, genre: "Drama", Description: "Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.", actors: ["Morgan Freeman", "Bob Gunton", "Tim Robbins"], income: 100000000, duration: 142})

//con insertMany() - Devuelve los ID's insertados
db.movies.insertMany([{title: "Gladiator", year: 2000, rating: 3.8, genre: "Action", Description: "A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery.", actors: ["Russel Crowe", "Joaquin Phoenix", "Connie Nielsen"], income: 70000000, duration: 155}, {title: "Braveheart", year: 1995, rating: 3.2, genre: "Biography", Description: "Scottish warrior William Wallace leads his countrymen in a rebellion to free his homeland from the tyranny of King Edward I of England.", actors: ["Mel Gison", "Sophie Marceau", "Patrick McGoohan"], income: 200000000, duration: 158}])

  1. Actualizar películas agregando el field highlighted=true a aquellas con rating > 4.5.
db.movies.updateMany({rating: {$gte: 4.5}}, {$set :{highlighted : true}})
  1. Actualizar películas cambiando el genre “drama” por “bored”.

  2. Borrar todas las películas que tengan más de 30 años.

  3. Buscar todas las películas argentinas.

  4. Buscar todas las películas de acción con un buen rating (ej. > 4.0) que hayan salido los últimos 2 años.