#Amazon EB deployment for Wercker.com

wercker status

Please note: This requires you to have an already existing Elastic Beanstalk application and environment in place, it will not run a startup procedure.

  • key (required) Credentials key provided by amazon.
  • secret (required) Credentials key secret provided by amazon
  • app_name (required) Name of the application.
  • env_name (required) Name of the application environment you wish to deploy to.
  • region (optional) Region that your elastic beanstalk instance lives in, defaults to us-west-2.
  • nohup (optional) Deploying background jobs.
  • opts (optional) eb deploy options. ex) --staged
        - hotakasaito/elastic-beanstalk-deploy:
            key: $AMAZON_KEY
            secret: $AMAZON_SECRET_KEY
            app_name: My Application
            env_name: production
            region: us-west-2
            nohup: true
            opts: --staged