
Performance monitor tool to json output for AIX and Linux

Primary LanguageC


This is a fork of the original and admirable jsonperfmon.

why make a fork? The significant difference is that this version doesn't use standard output, and is not designed for tight integration with rsyslog. Instead, it writes direct to syslog through the normal channels, and can be processed via rsyslog that way. This makes it easy to set up as an independent service daemon under, e.g., systemd. Given that recent versions of rsyslog no longer include the improg module that the original version of jsonperfmon was designed for, this is easier for our custom integration.

Yes, the whole json thing makes less sense under these circumstances, but it's still handy when a downstream aggregation system is used, to provide a performance monitor across a cluster of servers.

For this reason, most of the command line options are unchanged, but the -r option of the original jsonperfmon has been removed, as it was very specifically intended for use with this module and tight integration with rsyslog.

Linux / AIX real time system monitoring

JsonPerfMon collects system information from a Linux/AIX system and print a json structures at a regular period to a syslog stream.


optimized C code It only needs a few milliseconds per second to collect all the datas.

lightweight It only needs a few megabytes of memory (~4 Mb) to manage datas. Memory is allocated during the first collect and reused during all the process life.

Per second data collection Every group of data - cpu_total, cpus, memory, disks, nfs, adapters & processes - can be collected in a single json or in an indivual one at a period of 2^n (power) seconds.

Usage / options

jsonperfmon [-A <n>] [-t <n>] [-u <n>] [-m <n>] [-s <n>] [-n <n>] [-i <n>] [-p <n>] [-r] [-R]

-A set the period for All groups, always overwritten by individual group setting

-t set the period for the cpu total

-u set the period for the individual cpus

-m set the period for the memory

-s set the period for the storage (disks & mounts)

-n set the period for the nfs v3/v4

-i set the period for the IO adapaters network and fiber channel

-p set the period for the processes top 10 for high cpu and top 5 high memory

-R insert an empty line between jsons for human readable purpose

<n> =0 disable the concerned group(s), <0 produce the group every 2^(n-1) seconds in the main json structure, >0 same as <0 except the json produced is dedicated to the group.

JSON attributes

_s => per second _us => in µ-second _mb => in mega-bytes _pct => in percent

JSON structure on AIX

	"cpu_total": {							// Group total cpu (-t)
		"active": 4,
		"configured": 4,
		"processorMHZ": 4228,
		"run_queue_s": 0,
		"context_switch_s": 3572,
		"syscall_s": 22760,
		"logic": {
			"user_pct": 2.4,
			"sys_pct": 4.6,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 93.0
		"physique": {
			"user_pct": 37.2,
			"sys_pct": 36.1,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 26.7
		"load_average": {
			"T0": 5.6,
			"T5": 6.4,
			"T15": 6.6
	"cpus": { 								// Group cpus (-u)
		"0": {
			"user_pct": 3.0,
			"sys_pct": 15.2,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 81.8
		"1": {
			"user_pct": 12.1,
			"sys_pct": 15.2,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 72.7
		"2": {
			"user_pct": 0.0,
			"sys_pct": 0.0,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 100.0
		"3": {
			"user_pct": 0.0,
			"sys_pct": 0.0,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 100.0
	"memory": {								// Group memory (-m)
		"virt_total": 92416,
		"real_total": 73728,
		"real_free": 28485,
		"virt_active_pg": 9712324,
		"pgins_s": 0,
		"pgouts_s": 0,
		"pgspins_s": 0,
		"pgspouts_s": 0,
		"numperm": 6715,
		"real_system": 7026,
		"real_user": 36486,
		"paging": {
			"reserved": 4784128,
			"total": 2,
			"used_pct": 18688,
			"faults_s": 26
		"page_4k": {
			"rtotal": 18808831,
			"rfree": 7292270,
			"rused": 11516561
	"disks": {								// Group storage (-d)
		"hdisk0": {
			"busy_pct": 0,
			"read": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"timeouts_s": 0,
				"failed_s": 0,
				"time_min_us": 100,
				"time_max_us": 376159,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"write": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"timeouts_s": 0,
				"failed_s": 0,
				"time_min_us": 142,
				"time_max_us": 166931,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"queue": {
				"q_full_s": 0,
				"time_min_us": 0,
				"time_max_us": 1993627,
				"time_avg_us": 0,
				"write_len_avg": 0,
				"read_len_avg": 0,
				"wq_depth": 0
	"fs": {									// Group storage
		"dev_hd4": {
			"mount": "/",
			"type": "LUN",
			"size_mb": 2048,
			"free_pct": 95
		"dev_hd2": {
			"mount": "/usr",
			"type": "LUN",
			"size_mb": 4096,
			"free_pct": 28
		"exploit": {
			"mount": "/exploit/nfs",
			"type": "NFS",
			"size_mb": 20480,
			"free_pct": 77
	"nfsv3": {								// Group nfs (-n)
		"calls_s": 4,
		"access_pct": 0.0,
		"read_pct": 0.0,
		"write_pct": 0.0,
		"lookup_pct": 0.0,
		"attrGetSet_pct": 0.0
	"nfsv4": {
		"calls_s": 0
	"intfs": {								// Group io-adapters (-a)
		"en3": {
			"in": {
				"packets_s": 4,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 896
			"out": {
				"packets_s": 6,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 908
			"collisions": 0,
			"drops": 0
		"en4": {
			"in": {
				"packets_s": 6,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 364
			"out": {
				"packets_s": 5,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 6590
			"collisions": 0,
			"drops": 0
	"fcadapters": {							// Group io-adapters
		"fcs0": {
			"max_xfer": 0,
			"rx_kb_s": 0,
			"tx_kb_s": 0,
			"err_frm_s": 0,
			"err_frm_tot": 0,
			"lost_frm_s": 0,
			"lost_frm_tot": 0,
			"link_fail_s": 0,
			"link_fail_tot": 0
	"processes": { 							// Group processes (-p)
		"cpu": {
			"0": {
				"pid": 33948658,
				"process": "perfjson",
				"cpu_pct": 0.3,
				"mem_mb": 1
			"1": {
				"pid": 46990290,
				"process": "sshd",
				"cpu_pct": 0.1,
				"mem_mb": 4
			// ... until "9"
		"mem": {
			"0": {
				"pid": 52494940,
				"process": "rmcd",
				"mem_mb": 22
			"1": {
				"pid": 54985398,
				"process": "IBM.ConfigRMd",
				"mem_mb": 16
			// ... until "4"
	"server": "dev-aix-d1c",
	"timestamp": 1549737252

JSON structure on Linux

	"cpu_total": {							         // Group total cpu (-t)
		"active": 2,
		"configured": 2,
		"processorMHZ": 2497,
		"run_queue_s": 0,
		"context_switch_s": 24,
		"physique": {
			"user_pct": 0.0,
			"sys_pct": 0.0,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 100.0
		"load_average": {
			"T0": 0.0,
			"T5": 0.0,
			"T15": 0.0
	"cpus": { 								// Group cpus (-u)
		"0": {
			"user_pct": 0.0,
			"sys_pct": 0.0,
			"wait_pct": 0.0,
			"idle_pct": 100.0
	"memory": {								// Group memory (-m)
		"virt_total": 726,
		"real_total": 5845,
		"real_free": 4008,
		"virt_active_pg": 838856,
		"pgins_s": 0,
		"pgouts_s": 0,
		"pgspins_s": 0,
		"pgspouts_s": 0,
		"hugepage": {
			"size_kb": 2048,
			"total": 0,
			"free": 0
		"paging": {
			"total": 4194300,
			"used_pct": 1,
			"faults_s": 30
	"pagingspaces": {					                 // Group memory
		"/dev/dm-1": {
			"type": "LV",
			"size_mb": 4095,
			"used_pct": 0.3
	"disks": {								// Group disks (-d)
		"sda": {
			"busy_pct": 0,
			"read": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"write": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"queue": {
				"time_avg_us": 0,
				"write_len_avg": 0,
				"read_len_avg": 0,
				"wq_depth": 0
		"dm-0": {
			"busy_pct": 0,
			"read": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"write": {
				"blocks_s": 0,
				"time_avg_us": 0
			"queue": {
				"time_avg_us": 0,
				"write_len_avg": 0,
				"read_len_avg": 0,
				"wq_depth": 0
	"fs": {
			// ... see AIX
	"intfs": {								// Group io-dapters (-a)
		"eth0:": {
			"in": {
				"packets_s": 3,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 238
			"out": {
				"packets_s": 3,
				"errors": 0,
				"bytes_s": 4258
			"collisions": 0,
			"drops": 0
	"fcadapters": {						               // Group io-adapters
		"fcs0": {
			"rx_kb_s": 0,
			"tx_kb_s": 0,
			"err_frm_s": 0,
			"err_frm_tot": 0,
			"lost_frm_s": 0,
			"lost_frm_tot": 0,
			"link_fail_s": 0,
			"link_fail_tot": 0
	"processes": { 							// Group processes (-p)
			// ... see AIX
	"server": "dev-lnx-d10",
	"timestamp": 1549740204