
Applications for istio multicluster service mesh on ACM

Application for Istio Multicluster Service Mesh

Notice: This repo is deprecated, if you want to have a try of the multicluster service mesh on the Open-Cluster-Management, please refer to https://github.com/open-cluster-management-io/multicluster-mesh

The home for istio multicluster service mesh Applications, based on the open-clutser-management.io Subscription, Channel and Placement API


  • Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes v2.3+ is installed

  • Create managedclusterset named mcsm and enable submariner-addon for the connected clusters(local-cluster, mcsmcstest1 and mcsmcstest2).

  • Add anyuid SCC to the service accounts in istio-operator istio-system, istio-apps and istio-apps-testing namespaces for the connected clusters by the following commands:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-operator
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-system
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-apps
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-apps-testing


  1. Install istio operator by deploying the istio-operator Application:
oc apply -k subscriptions/istio-operator
  1. Install the istio control plane in hub cluster by deploying the istio-multicluster-hub Application:
oc apply -k subscriptions/istio-multicluster-hub
  1. Install the istio remote control plane configurations in managed clusters by deploying the istio-multicluster-remote Application:
oc apply -k subscriptions/istio-multicluster-remote
  1. Create remote secret for the central plane to access kube-apiserver of the managedclusters(mcsmcstest1 and mcsmcstest2):

Note: make sure export the following three environment variables CTX_HUB_CLUSTER, CTX_MC1_CLUSTER and CTX_MC2_CLUSTER be the kubernetes context of the connected clusters.

ISTIO_READER_SRT_NAME_FOR_MC1=$(oc --context=${CTX_MC1_CLUSTER} -n istio-system get serviceaccount/istiod -o jsonpath='{.secrets}' | jq -r '.[] | select(.name | test ("istiod-token-")).name')
istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_MC1_CLUSTER} --name=${MC1_CLUSTER_NAME} --type=remote \
    --namespace=istio-system --service-account=istiod --secret-name=${ISTIO_READER_SRT_NAME_FOR_MC1} \
    --create-service-account=false | oc --context=${CTX_HUB_CLUSTER} apply -f -

ISTIO_READER_SRT_NAME_FOR_MC2=$(oc --context=${CTX_MC2_CLUSTER} -n istio-system get serviceaccount/istiod -o jsonpath='{.secrets}' | jq -r '.[] | select(.name | test ("istiod-token-")).name')
istioctl x create-remote-secret --context=${CTX_MC2_CLUSTER} --name=${MC2_CLUSTER_NAME} --type=remote \
    --namespace=istio-system --service-account=istiod --secret-name=${ISTIO_READER_SRT_NAME_FOR_MC2} \
    --create-service-account=false | oc --context=${CTX_HUB_CLUSTER} apply -f -
  1. Patch the kube-apiserver of the managedclusters(mcsmcstest1 and mcsmcstest2) due to a submariner known issue.

  2. Install the istio ingressgateway in managed cluster mcsmcstest1 by deploying the istio-gateway Application:

oc apply -k subscriptions/istio-gateway
  1. Install the bookinfo application by deploying the bookinfo Application:
oc apply -k subscriptions/bookinfo
  1. Access the bookinfo application with your browser via the route of the istio ingressgateway.

  2. Install the tcp-echo application by deploying the tcp-echo Application:

oc apply -k subscriptions/tcp-echo
  1. Access the tcp-echo service from sleep service for TCP traffic:
$ oc -n istio-apps-testing exec -it sleep-557747455f-cbpjh -- sh -c "(date; sleep 1) | nc tcp-echo 9000"
one Mon Nov  1 06:53:01 UTC 2021
$ oc -n istio-apps-testing exec -it sleep-557747455f-cbpjh -- sh -c "(date; sleep 1) | nc tcp-echo 9000"
two Mon Nov  1 06:53:41 UTC 2021