
Performs checkout to a new branch for a task


gitfeat <task-name>

Building and adding to PATH (fish)

  1. Compile your Go script into a binary:

    Compile your script into a binary by running:

    go build .
  2. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH:

    Create a directory for your custom binaries. You can create a bin directory in your home directory:

    mkdir ~/bin

    Move the gitfeat binary to this directory:

    mv gitfeat ~/bin
  3. Add the directory to your PATH in Fish shell:

    Open your Fish shell configuration file ~/.config/fish/

    nano ~/.config/fish/

    Add the following line to this file to include the bin directory in your PATH:

    set -gx PATH $HOME/bin $PATH

    Save the changes to the configuration file.

  4. Reload Fish configuration:

    After saving the changes, reload your Fish configuration to apply the changes:

    source ~/.config/fish/
  5. Test your setup:

    You should now be able to run gitfeat <task_name> from anywhere in your terminal, and it should execute your gitfeat script with the specified task name.