
Goland and Nodejs gRPC examples

Primary LanguageGo

gRPC Examples

Golang and Nodejs gRPC examples


  • /go-client - contains gRPC golang client
  • /go-server - contains gRPC golang server
  • /node-client - contains gRPC nodejs client
  • /node-server - contains gRPC nodejs server

Both nodejs and golang client communicate with golang and nodejs servers.


  • Golang server: go run server.go
  • Golang client: go run client <max-rand-number> <port>
  • NodeJS server: npm run start
  • NodeJS client: npm run start <max-rand-number> <port>

generate golang proto files

  1. go to proto folder
  2. run:
protoc \
    --go_out=Mgrpc/service_config/service_config.proto=/internal/proto/grpc_service_config:. \
    --go-grpc_out=Mgrpc/service_config/service_config.proto=/internal/proto/grpc_service_config:. \
    --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \

NOTE: nodejs proto declarations generated dynamically via @grpc/proto-loader package