RxTimelane provides an RxSwift bindings for profiling RxSwift code with the Timelane Instrument.
Import the RxTimelane framework in your code:
import RxTimelane
Use the lane(_)
operator to profile a subscription via the TimelaneInstrument. Insert lane(_)
at the precise spot in your code you'd like to profile like so:
downloadImage(at: url).
.lane("Download: \(url.path)")
.assign(to: \.image, on: myImageView)
Then profile your project by clicking Product > Profile in Xcode's main menu.
Select the Timelane Instrument template:
Inspect your subscriptions on the timeline:
For a more detailed walkthrough go to http://timelane.tools.
Use lane("Lane name")
to send data to both the subscriptions and events lanes in the Timelane Instrument.
lane("Lane name", filter: [.subscriptions])
sends begin/completion events to the Subscriptions lane. Use this syntax if you only want to observe concurrent subscriptions.
lane("Lane name", filter: [.events])
sends events and values to the Events lane. Use this filter if you are only interested in values a subscription would emit (e.g. for example subjects).
I . Automatically in Xcode:
- Click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
- Use the package URL
to add TimelaneCombine to your project.
II . Manually in your Package.swift file add:
.package(url: "https://github.com/icanzilb/RxTimelane", .from("0.9.0"))
The Timelane package contains a demo app at: https://github.com/icanzilb/timelane.
- CocoaPods
- Carthage
Copyright (c) Marin Todorov 2020 This package is provided under the MIT License.