
Timelane + RxSwift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Timelane Icon

RxTimelane provides an RxSwift bindings for profiling RxSwift code with the Timelane Instrument.

Timelane Instrument


  1. Usage
  2. Reference
  3. Installation
  4. Demo
  5. Todo
  6. License


Import the RxTimelane framework in your code:

import RxTimelane

Use the lane(_) operator to profile a subscription via the TimelaneInstrument. Insert lane(_) at the precise spot in your code you'd like to profile like so:

downloadImage(at: url).
  .lane("Download: \(url.path)")
  .assign(to: \.image, on: myImageView)

Then profile your project by clicking Product > Profile in Xcode's main menu.

Select the Timelane Instrument template:

Timelane Instrument Template

Inspect your subscriptions on the timeline:

Timelane Live Recording

For a more detailed walkthrough go to http://timelane.tools.



Use lane("Lane name") to send data to both the subscriptions and events lanes in the Timelane Instrument.

lane("Lane name", filter: [.subscriptions]) sends begin/completion events to the Subscriptions lane. Use this syntax if you only want to observe concurrent subscriptions.

lane("Lane name", filter: [.events]) sends events and values to the Events lane. Use this filter if you are only interested in values a subscription would emit (e.g. for example subjects).


Swift Package Manager

I . Automatically in Xcode:

  • Click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  • Use the package URL https://github.com/icanzilb/RxTimelane to add TimelaneCombine to your project.

II . Manually in your Package.swift file add:

.package(url: "https://github.com/icanzilb/RxTimelane", .from("0.9.0"))


The Timelane package contains a demo app at: https://github.com/icanzilb/timelane.


  • CocoaPods
  • Carthage


Copyright (c) Marin Todorov 2020 This package is provided under the MIT License.