
Laravel 4 NewRelic Integration

Primary LanguagePHP

#Laravel 4 NewRelic package

###Note This package has been updated to support the new router methods in Laravel 4.1: thank you @altrim and @PhiloNL.

For Laravel 4.0.x support, please use 1.0.x as your composer requirement. We will continue to accept pulls for Laravel 4.0-compatible features on the 1.0.x tags.

###Installation Add intouch/laravel-newrelic to your composer requirements:

"require": {
    "intouch/laravel-newrelic": "*"

Now, run composer update

Once the package is installed, open your app/config/app.php configuration file and locate the providers key. Add the following line to the end:


Next, locate the aliases key and add the following line:

'Newrelic'        => 'Intouch\LaravelNewrelic\Facades\Newrelic',

Finally, publish the default configuration (it will end up in app/config/packages/intouch/laravel-newrelic/config.php):

$ php artisan config:publish intouch/laravel-newrelic


=> auto_name_transactions

  • type: bool
  • default: true
  • this will automatically name all transactions with the following precedence
    1. Route name (e.g. "home")
    2. Controller and method (e.g. "HomeController@showWelcome")
    3. HTTP verb + path (e.g. "GET /")

=> name_provider

  • type: closure or null
  • default: null
  • if a closure is provided, this allows for full customization of the transaction name with access to \Illuminate\Http\Request, \Illuminate\Http\Response and \Illuminate\Foundation\Application as parameters for convenience.

=> throw_if_not_installed

  • type: bool
  • default: false
  • if true, will throw an exception if NewRelic PHP agent is not found / installed

###Basic Use The registered Service Provider includes a Facade to the Intouch/Newrelic class. Any of its methods may be accessed as any other Facade is accessed, for example:

Newrelic::setAppName( 'MyApp' );

... would set the NewRelic App Name to 'MyApp'