Question: Chronal Calibration
- Part 1 Solution: Sum list of integers
- Part 2 Solution: Watch for set insertion collision
Question: Inventory Management System
- Part 1 Solution: Count characters using HashMaps
- Part 2 Solution: Check all pairs of words and characters (ugh)
Question: No Matter How You Slice It
- Part 1 Solution: Record all claims to each square inch using a HashMap
- Part 2 Solution: Remove contested claim IDs from a set and return what's left
Question: Repose Record
- Part 1 Solution: Parse logs into structs, then populate HashMap counters of minutes asleep
- Part 2 Solution: Different iterator chains over the same HashMap
Question: Alchemical Reduction
- Part 1 Solution: Make one pass over a Vec<char> with two indices, removing/backtracking as necessary
- Part 2 Solution: Plenty more looping over Vec<char>s and removing elements