
A Simple User API build with Laravel 9 REST API Authentication Using Sanctum - CRUD

Primary LanguagePHP

A Simple User API build with Laravel 9 REST API Authentication Using Sanctum - CRUD

This is the link to Heroku simpleUserAuth-API Application This is the link to the Postman Postman documentation Application

Firstly after initializing your application, Update the existing User Model and Migration file to have the following fields

id Name Email Password Timestamps (which already exist, do not change)

User Controller with the following methods

Register: This takes in the following Name Email | should be unique Password Password repeat

For a user to be registered successfully, validate the all fields, email must be unique, password and password repeat must be same If the validation passes, register the user. On success return the user that was register as a json

Login: Takes in the following Email Password

Logs in the user if the email and password correspond to that in the database If login was successful,create a session for the user and return a json response with the session and success

Update: Does the following Updates any of the field specified, if success, return a json of the update user

Delete: Does the following Takes in the user Id and deletes the user, if success, return a json with success

Getuser: returns a json of user by ID

GetUsers: returns all users from the database

NOTE: Use user api.php for routing, with the following endpoints

Register: /user/create

Login: /user/login

Update: /user/update/{id}

Delete: /user/delete/{id}

Getuser: /user

Getusers: /users