RSA Factoring Challenge 0.Factorize all the things!
- Factorize all the things!#advanced Factorize as many numbers as possible into a product of two smaller numbers.
Usage:factors whereis a file containing natural numbers to factor. One number per line You can assume that all lines will be valid natural numbers greater than 1 You can assume that there will be no empy line, and no space before and after the valid number The file will always end with a new line Output format:n=p*q one factorization per line pandqdon't have to be prime numbers See example You can work on the numbers of the file in the order of your choice Your program should run without any dependency: You will not be able to install anything on the machine we will run your program on Time limit: Your program will be killed after 5 seconds if it hasn't finish Push all your scripts, source code, etc... to your repository we will only run your executablefactors
- RSA Factoring Challenge#advanced RSA Laboratories states that: for each RSA numbern, there exist prime numberspandqsuch that
n=p×q. The problem is to find these two primes, given onlyn.
This task is the same as task 0, except:
pandqare always prime numbers There is only one number in the files