


$ jssLoadSimulator -n <number of new computers> \
     -u <number of times to update> \
     -d <time in seconds delay> \
     -o <option for update 'u' or check in 'c'>


Preferences are located at ~/Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jssloadsimulator.plist

NOTE: Only XML Formatted plist is supported for now.

Supported Keys

Key Description
jss_host Hostname of the JSS
jss_port Port the JSS is listening on
jss_path Path to the JSS instance (if any)

You can set these using defaults eg.

$ defaults write com.jamfsoftware.jssloadsimulator jss_host localhost
$ defaults write com.jamfsoftware.jssloadsimulator jss_port 8443
$ defaults write com.jamfsoftware.jssloadsimulator jss_path /

Then, convert back to xml:

$ plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jssloadsimulator.plist