
JSS API for Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


A JAMF Pro API client framework, for Cocoa.

NOTE: Currently super broken prototype only.


JSS Objects

Each object that is part of the JSS is represented as its own Swift object. Ideally you should be able to use this framework at a lower level to parse your own objects too.

Every JSS Object inherits from JSSResource, this ensures that the JSS Object will implement the NSCoding protocol. In our case, we use NSCoding to convert the model to an XMLDocument.

An NSCoder called JSSXMLKeyedArchiver is used to "visit" all the members of a data structure and write them as elements into an XMLDocument.

Parsing Responses

The parser is implemented as an XMLParserDelegate. It uses swifts reflection API to determine the properties associated with tag names in the response. It can often be the case that this default behaviour is not desirable, so there will be a method of registering delegates when certain elements are encountered that are unknown to the reflection parser.