
Swahili Learning Website This is a website designed to help users learn Swahili language and culture in an engaging and interactive way. The site offers structured courses for learners of all levels, self-study resources, multimedia content, and community interaction.

The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies, and includes a range of features such as:

User-friendly interface for easy navigation and learning

Structured courses with comprehensive content and progress tracking

Self-study program with resources such as vocabulary lists, grammar rules, and cultural insights

Multimedia content including videos, audio recordings, and speech recognition tool for pronunciation practice

Adaptive learning technology for personalized feedback and recommendations

Quizzes and exercises for testing knowledge and reinforcement

Online community for interaction with other learners

This website is licensed under no license agreement, which means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute the code without any restrictions or obligations. However, we recommend that you attribute the original source and contribute any improvements or bug fixes back to the community.

To get started, simply clone or download the repository and open the index.html file in your browser. Feel free to customize the website to your liking and share your feedback with us. Happy learning!